It's just a single OCaml file with no libraries used, so you can copy it or clone
and then use it with
utop #use "";;
or compile it.
list : match , capture Descriptions :
- match : you can search for a pattern re within a text txt with
recognizer re txt
orrecognize (compile_regex re) txt
- match with captures : you can search for a pattern re that contains captures
within a text txt with :
capturer re txt
orcapture (compile_capture_regex re) txt
This section can also be used as a cheatsheet for regex supported here
quick list : *, +, [...], ^, $, (...), ?, [^...], \s,\S,\d,\D,\w,\W,.,|
currently not supported : \b,\B,(^...), ..etc (non exhaustive, to be completed)