An Entity Framework 6 provider for Ingres.
Also see
- This provider only works with Entity Framework 6.
- This provider has not yet been published to
- GitHub repository for source and release is located here.
Before building EntityFramework6.Ingres please:
- Make sure Visual Studio 2017 is installed.
- On first time build, under Visual Studio --> Tools --> NuGet Package Manager --> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution, select each of the four packages and restore
EntityFramework6.Ingres is built using a Rebuild in the EntityFramework6.Ingres Visual Studio project.
To set up tests, create a test database and define the tests' connection string to the INGRES_TEST_DB environment variable. For example:
set INGRES_TEST_DB=Database=ingres_test_ef6;Port=II7;
- Support is needed for modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema() to override the default schema name of empty string.
- DbContext.Database.Exists(), DbContext.Database.Delete(), and DbContext.Database.Create() is a no-operation.
- LINQ support is limited. There is very limited support for .First(), .Top(), Skip(), Take(), etc.
- Database migrations, especially column migrations is limited.