Consul is a distributed service mesh to connect, secure, and configure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud.
This role deploys one node with bootstrap, server and ui role(s).
You must have the unzip package installed on target machine for unarchive task to complete successfully.
So many vars. Var all the things! Although this role only currently supports CentOS 7 & Ubuntu 18, it can easily be used on say a raspberry pi by having a playbook such as:
- hosts: consul
become: yes
consul_arch: arm
consul_sysconfig: /etc/default/consul
- ansible-role-hashicorp-consul
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-role-hashicorp-consul }
Slightly more complex server and client
- name: install the consul service as a server
hosts: consul-server
- role: consul
consul_user: "ubuntu"
consul_group: "ubuntu"
consul_user_is_system: "false"
consul_run_dir: "/home/ubuntu"
consul_user_shell: "/bin/bash"
consul_version: "1.5.3"
consul_command_opts: "-server -bootstrap -ui"
consul_wan_join_addr: ""
consul_lan_join_addr: ""
consul_systemd_enabled: "false"
consul_datacenter: "dc1"
- name: install the consul service as an agent on all other machines
hosts: clients
- role: consul
consul_user: "ubuntu"
consul_group: "ubuntu"
consul_user_is_system: "false"
consul_run_dir: "/home/ubuntu"
consul_user_shell: "/bin/bash"
consul_version: "1.5.3"
consul_command_opts: ""
consul_lan_join_addr: ""
consul_systemd_enabled: "false"
consul_datacenter: "dc1"
Playbook to trigger client join for Consul Servers deployed from Terraform AWS Consul
- name: Install Hashicorp Consul Client role
hosts: clients
- role: consul
consul_command_opts: ""
consul_start_join_enabled: "false"
consul_retry_join_enabled: "true"
consul_datacenter: "us-east-1"
John Favorite