A JavaScript utility to break apart shorthand CSS components in objects.
When using inline styles with React components, it can be dangerous to use shorthand CSS properties. As a work around, use StyleBuilder to break apart any shorthand properties that exist in your style objects.
Read our blog post here
const StyleBuilder = require("style-builder");
const _styles = StyleBuilder.build({
margin: "5px 10px"
marginTop: "5px",
marginRight: "10px",
marginBottom: "5px",
marginLeft: "10px"
Style builder can also take options when building styles. Currently only one option is available.
(default: true
): If true, style builder will store a cache of the results from style functions, key'd off the arguments. This is very useful in React if you use the pure render mixin. Each time you pass a computed style to a child component, it will receive the exact (===) same style object.
For example:
const _styles = StyleBuilder.build({
awesomeStyle: (iLikeGreen) => ({
background: iLikeGreen ? "green" : "blue",
}, {
cache: true,
console.log(_styles.awesomeStyle(true) === _styles.awesomeStyle(true)); // true
const _styles = StyleBuilder.build({
awesomeStyle: (iLikeGreen) => ({
background: iLikeGreen ? "green" : "blue",
}, {
cache: false,
console.log(_styles.awesomeStyle(true) === _styles.awesomeStyle(true)); // false
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- background
- font
- transition
- transform
- list-style