Releases: ActiveLogin/ActiveLogin.Authentication
Releases · ActiveLogin/ActiveLogin.Authentication
v11.0.0 RC 1
What's Changed
- Target .NET 9 @Zonnex in #494 #484
- Add support for requirement Card Reader to Auth and Sign request. by @Zonnex in #495 #389
- Remove support for blocking transactions based on risk level, since no longer supported by BankID. Use return risk instead and handle risk level in your application by @elinohlsson in #496 #485
Breaking Changes
This a major release, with some breaking changes. Most of them should go unnoticed for the majority of installations.
The most important ones are listed in the file in the root of the repo.
Full Changelog: v10.1.0...v11.0.0
What's Changed
- Bump Duende.IdentityServer from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8 in /samples/IdentityServer.ServerSample by @dependabot in #474
- Set requirements on how the authentication or signing order must be performed dynamically by @elinohlsson in #475
- Fix code scanning alert no. 124: Cross-site scripting by @Liteolika in #482
- Simulated API errors by @Liteolika in #483
- Feature/470 use new auth properties app and web by @Liteolika in #477
- perf: cache Parser by @Zonnex in #488
- Feature/return risk by @elinohlsson in #487
New Contributors
- @Liteolika made their first contribution in #482
Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.1.0
v10.1.0 RC 1
What's Changed
- Bump Duende.IdentityServer from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8 in /samples/IdentityServer.ServerSample by @dependabot in #474
- Set requirements on how the auth or sign order must be performed dynamically by @elinohlsson in #475
- Fix code scanning alert no. 124: Cross-site scripting by @Liteolika in #482
- Simulated API errors by @Liteolika in #483
- Feature/470 use new auth and sign properties app and web by @Liteolika in #477
- perf: cache Parser by @Zonnex in #488
- Feature/return risk by @elinohlsson in #487
New Contributors
- @Liteolika made their first contribution in #482
Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.1.0-rc-1
What's Changed
- Upgrade NuGet packages and .Net SDK by @elinohlsson in #473
- Do not set risk in GetSignRequest when AllowedRiskLevel is NoRiskLevel by @staryd in #472
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v10.0.0...v10.0.1
What's Changed
- Easer handling of policies and auto set policy for other device by @PeterOrneholm in #452
- Support new returnUrl, returnRisk, and risk parameters in BankID API by @PeterOrneholm in #454
- Make it possible to set allowed risk level, which is part of BankIDs auth requirements as a property in BankIdAuthOptions. by @elinohlsson in #465
- Replace embedded BankID certificate for the test environment FPTestcert4_20220818.p12 (since it has expired), with the three new versions of the client certificate FPTestcert5_20240610.p12, FPTestcert5_20240610.pem and FPTestcert5_20240610-legacy.pfx. Make it configurable which version to use. For compatibility reasons use FPTestcert5_20240610-legacy.pfx by default. by @elinohlsson in #466
- Upgrade Nuget packages. by @elinohlsson in #458
Full Changelog: v9.0.0...v10.0.0
10.0.0 RC 2
What's Changed
- Embed all three versions of the client certificate for the test environment FPTestcert5_20240610.p12, FPTestcert5_20240610.pem and FPTestcert5_20240610-legacy.pfx. Make it configurable which version to use. For compatibility reasons use FPTestcert5_20240610-legacy.pfx by default. by @elinohlsson in #466
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-rc-1...v10.0.0-rc-2
10.0.0 RC 1
What's Changed
- Support new returnUrl, returnRisk, and risk parameters in BankID API by @PeterOrneholm in #454
- Make it possible to configure allowed risk level, which is part of BankIDs auth requirements as a property in BankIdAuthOptions. by @elinohlsson in #465
- Replace embedded BankID certificate for test environment FPTestcert4_20220818.p12 with new certificate from BankID FPTestcert5_20240610.p12. by @elinohlsson in #463
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-beta-1...v10.0.0-rc-1
10.0.0 Beta 1
What's Changed
- Easer handling of policies and auto set policy for other device by @PeterOrneholm in #452
- Check ip adress by @PeterOrneholm in #451
Full Changelog: v9.0.0...v10.0.0-beta-1
What's Changed
- Add the possibility to pass personal number requirement to sign using BankIdFlowService by @nahojd in #445
- Implement phone API support by @nordeke in #447
- Prep for V9 by @PeterOrneholm in #449
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v9.0.0
9.0.0 RC 1
What's Changed
- Add the possibility to pass personal number requirement to sign using BankIdFlowService by @nahojd in #445
- Implement phone API support by @nordeke in #447
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v9.0.0-rc-1