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Activelook Visual Assets

List of the visual objects (images, layouts) available in the default ActiveLook "configuration"

Configuration name : ALooK

Configuration version : 11

Firmware compatible : >= 4.2.X

To use the activelook visual asset, use the command : cfgSet("ALooK")


  • Font 1 : SourceSansPro SemiBold Spacing 24px
  • Font 2 : SourceSansPro SemiBold Spacing 38px
  • Font 3 : SourceSansPro SemiBold Spacing 64px
  • Font 4 : SourceSansPro SemiBold Spacing 75px
  • Font 5 : SourceSansPro SemiBold Spacing 82px


ID Name Icon
0 0_splash_10fps image info
2 2_dancing_dots_x_98_y_112_loop image info
3 3_ready_x_77_y_112_loop image info
4 4_successfull_x_76_y_112 image info
5 5_bluetooth-lost_x_107_y_187_loop image info
6 6_countdown_x_76_y_56 image info
7 7_overlay_lowbattery_x_98_y_91 image info
8 8_overlay_eyesClosed_x_40_y_63 image info
9 9_overlay_pause_x_68_y_42 image info
10 10_overlay_targetReached_1_x_73_y_92 image info
11 11_overlay_sessionEnded_x_85_y_88 image info
12 12_overlay_targetReached_2_x_85_y_91_loop image info
13 13_outro_fullscreen image info


ID Name Icon
0 0_battery_28x28 image info
1 1_battery-low_28x28 image info
2 2_altitude_28x28 image info
3 3_ambient-pressure_28x28 image info
4 4_cadence_28x28 image info
5 5_cadence-avg_28x28 image info
6 6_cadence-max_28x28 image info
7 7_calories-burned_28x28 image info
8 8_chrono_28x28 image info
9 9_distance_28x28 image info
10 10_distance-to-destination_28x28 image info
11 11_energy-expenditure_28x28 image info
12 12_heart-beat_28x28 image info
13 13_heart-beat-avg_28x28 image info
14 14_heart-beat-max_28x28 image info
15 15_normalized-power_28x28 image info
16 16_pace_28x28 image info
17 17_pace-avg_28x28 image info
18 18_pace-max_28x28 image info
19 19_power_28x28 image info
20 20_power-3s_28x28 image info
21 21_power-avg_28x28 image info
22 22_power-max_28x28 image info
23 23_running-cadence_28x28 image info
24 24_running-cadence-avg_28x28 image info
25 25_running-cadence-max_28x28 image info
26 26_speed_28x28 image info
27 27_speed-avg_28x28 image info
28 28_speed-max_28x28 image info
29 29_speed-ascension_28x28 image info
30 30_total-ascent_28x28 image info
31 31_total-descent_28x28 image info
32 32_battery_40x40 image info
33 33_battery-low_40x40 image info
34 34_altitude_40x40 image info
35 35_ambient-pressure_40x40 image info
36 36_cadence_40x40 image info
37 37_cadence-avg_40x40 image info
38 38_cadence-max_40x40 image info
39 39_calories-burned_40x40 image info
40 40_chrono_40x40 image info
41 41_distance_40x40 image info
42 42_distance-to-destination_40x40 image info
43 43_energy-expenditure_40x40 image info
44 44_heart-beat_40x40 image info
45 45_heart-beat-avg_40x40 image info
46 46_heart-beat-max_40x40 image info
47 47_normalized-power_40x40 image info
48 48_pace_40x40 image info
49 49_pace-avg_40x40 image info
50 50_pace-max_40x40 image info
51 51_power_40x40 image info
52 52_power-3s_40x40 image info
53 53_power-avg_40x40 image info
54 54_power-max_40x40 image info
55 55_running-cadence_40x40 image info
56 56_running-cadence-avg_40x40 image info
57 57_running-cadence-max_40x40 image info
58 58_speed_40x40 image info
59 59_speed-avg_40x40 image info
60 60_speed-max_40x40 image info
61 61_speed-ascension_40x40 image info
62 62_total-ascent_40x40 image info
63 63_total-descent_40x40 image info
66 66_congrats_80x79 image info
67 67_pause-full_55x72 image info
68 68_screen-off-lock_116x92 image info
69 69_screen-off_116x92 image info
70 70_edge-dot_6x6 image info
71 71_connection-lost-logo_84x74 image info
72 72_please-connect-logo_69x69 image info
73 73_user-connect-logo_75x69 image info
74 74_please-connect_180x23 image info
76 76_connection-lost_196x23 image info
77 77_low-gps_28x28 image info
78 78_no-gps_28x28 image info
79 79_pause_28x28 image info
80 80_ready_90x36 image info
239 239_Bluetooth_60x82 image info


ID Name x0 y0 width height font txtX0 txtY0 txtRot txtOpacity usetxt
0 boot 0 0 304 255 3 0 0 0 true false
2 please_connect 30 25 244 206 1 180 50 4 true true
3 connected 30 25 244 206 3 255 80 4 true false
4 connection_lost 30 25 244 206 2 280 105 4 true false
5 bye_bye 30 25 244 206 2 255 80 4 true false
6 ready 30 25 244 206 2 255 80 4 true false
7 battery 152 200 122 30 1 78 29 4 true true
9 suota 30 25 244 206 2 255 80 4 true false
10 time 30 205 121 25 1 62 22 4 true true
11 chrono_full 30 153 244 50 3 244 64 4 true true
12 distance_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
13 speed_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
14 speed_avg_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
15 pace_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
16 cadence_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
17 calories_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
18 altitude_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
19 total_ascent_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
20 ascent_speed_avg_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
21 heartbeat_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
22 power_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
23 cadence_avg_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
24 heartbeat_avg_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
25 power_avg_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
26 total_descent_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
27 energy_exp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
28 cadence_max_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
29 heart_beat_max_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
30 power_max_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
31 speed_max_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
32 ambient_pressure_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
33 speed_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
34 speed_average_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
35 distance_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
36 total_ascent_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
37 pace_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
38 altitude_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
39 total_descent_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
40 ascent_speed_avg_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
41 speed_max_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
42 power3s_avg_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
43 chrono_half 157 157 117 35 2 117 38 4 true true
44 speed_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
45 speed_average_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
46 distance_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
47 total_ascent_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
48 pace_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
49 heartbeat_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
50 altitude_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
51 cadence_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
52 heart_beat_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
53 power_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
54 calories_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
55 cadence_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
56 power_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
57 total_descent_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
58 energy_exp_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
59 ascent_speed_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
60 cadence_max_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
61 heart_beat_max_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
62 power_max_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
63 speed_max_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
64 ambient_pressure_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
65 power3s_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
66 pace_avg_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
67 pace_avg_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
68 pace_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
69 power_normalized_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
70 power_normalized_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
71 low_gps 121 205 28 28 1 86 22 4 true false
72 no_gps 121 205 28 28 1 86 22 4 true false
73 pause 121 205 28 28 1 86 22 4 true false
75 ready 30 25 244 206 2 255 80 4 true false
76 pace_max_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
77 pace_max_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
78 pace_max_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
79 chrono_min_sec_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
80 chrono_hour_two_data 203 146 27 40 2 27 38 4 true true
81 calorie_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
82 distance_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
83 heartbeat_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
84 pace_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
85 cadence_running_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
86 speed_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
87 total_ascent_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
88 target-reached 30 25 244 206 2 200 85 4 true true
98 pause-full 30 25 244 206 1 30 25 4 true false
99 screen-off-lock 30 25 244 206 1 30 25 4 true false
100 screen-off 30 25 244 206 1 30 25 4 true false
101 distance-to-destination_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
102 distance-to-destination_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
103 distance-to-destination_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
104 fastest-pace_metric_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
105 fastest-pace_imp_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
106 fastest-pace_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
107 distance-to-destination_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
108 heartbeat_max_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
109 heartbeat_avg_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
110 power_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
111 power_max_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
112 power_avg_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
113 power_3s_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
114 power_normalized_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
115 speed_max_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
116 speed_avg_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
117 pace_max_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
118 pace_avg_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
119 cadence_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
120 cadence_max_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
121 cadence_avg_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
122 cadence_running_max_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
123 cadence_running_avg_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
124 altitude_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
125 total_ascent_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
126 ascent_speed_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
127 Energy_Exp_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
128 ambient_pressure_two_data 30 129 244 60 4 172 75 4 true true
129 running_cadence_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
130 running_cadence_max_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
131 running_cadence_avg_full 30 153 244 50 3 194 64 4 true true
132 running_cadence_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
133 running_cadence_max_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
134 running_cadence_avg_half 157 157 117 35 2 87 38 4 true true
135 chrono_min_sec_metric_one_data 49 93 187 111 5 187 82 4 true true
136 chrono_heure_metric_one_data 239 121 27 30 2 27 38 4 true true
137 distance_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
138 distance-to-destination_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
139 heart_beat_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
140 heart_beat_max_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
141 heart_beat_avg_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
142 power_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
143 power_max_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
144 power_avg_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
145 power_3s_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
146 power_normalized_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
147 speed_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
148 speed_max_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
149 speed_avg_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
150 pace_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
151 pace_max_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
152 pace_avg_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
153 cadence_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
154 cadence_max_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
155 cadence_avg_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
156 running_cadence_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
157 running_cadence_max_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
158 running_cadence_avg_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
159 altitude_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
160 total_ascent_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
161 total_descent_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
162 ascent_speed_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
163 calories_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
164 energy_exp_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
165 ambient_pressure_metric_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
166 distance_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
167 distance-to-destination_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
168 speed_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
169 speed_max_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
170 speed_avg_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
171 pace_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
172 pace_max_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
173 pace_avg_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
174 altitude_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
175 total_ascent_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
176 total_descent_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
177 ascent_speed_imp_one_data 59 41 187 163 5 187 106 4 true true
178 battery_low 152 200 122 30 1 78 29 4 true true
179 anim_battery_low 30 25 244 206 3 0 0 0 true false
180 session_ended 30 25 244 206 2 175 90 4 true false
181 target_reached 30 25 244 206 2 200 85 4 true true
182 countdown 30 25 244 206 2 175 105 4 true false
183 chrono_min_sec_full 30 153 244 50 3 180 64 4 true true
184 chrono_hour_full 211 170 27 40 2 27 38 4 true true
185 chrono_min_sec_half 168 157 87 35 2 87 38 4 true true
186 chrono_hour_half 257 166 17 30 1 15 24 4 true true

Layout position

For example purposes, you will find below the layout positions that are used in the ActiveLook companion application. It provides a reference developers can re-use for their own application or for rapid prototyping, instead of designing custom layouts.

Templates Zone
image info 1D
image info 2D H + 2D L
image info 3D (triangle H) + 3D Half L1 + 3D Half L2
image info 3D Full H + 3D Full M + 3D Full L
image info 4D Full H + 4D Full L + 3D Half L1 + 3D Half L2
image info 4D Full H + 3D Half M1 + 3D Half M2 + 3D Half L1 + 3D Half L2
image info 3D Half H1 + 3D Half H2 + 3D Half M1 + 3D Half M2 + 3D Half L1 + 3D Half L2
main layout chrono Layout (MM:SS) chrono hour layout (H:)
Zone Data Type X Y X Y X Y
1D One data 59 41 49 93 239 121
2D H Two data 30 129 30 129 203 154
2D L Two data 30 25 30 25 203 50
3D(triangle) H Two data 30 129 30 129 203 154
3D Full H Three data (full line) 30 153 30 153 211 170
3D Full M Three data (full line) 30 89 30 89 211 106
3D Full L Three data (full line) 30 25 30 25 211 42
4D Full H Two data 30 149 30 149 203 174
4D Full L Two data 30 80 30 80 203 105
3D Half H1 Three data (half line) 157 157 168 157 257 166
3D Half H2 Three data (half line) 30 157 41 157 130 166
3D Half M1 Three data (half line) 157 95 168 96 257 105
3D Half M2 Three data (half line) 30 95 41 96 130 105
3D Half L1 Three data (half line) 157 33 168 35 257 45
3D Half L2 Three data (half line) 30 33 41 35 130 45

How to align data inside layout

We have added two "ghost" letters to our custom font to ease data alignement. Ghost letters are black char of fixed width.

  • $ : black char having same width as a standard digit 0
  • & : black char having same width as a standard period, colon or comma :

Our layout are made to display 4 digits and a . or :

For example, when we want to display :

  • 123 align right, send &$123
  • 1.23 align left, send 1.23$
  • 1 align right, send &$$$1
  • 00:00 send 00:00