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Testing the adChain Registry for Mainnet Launch

Eddy Muñoz edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 20 revisions

Below is a list of the user flows according to the functionalities written for TCRs:

Applying a Listing

  1. Enter Domain Name
  2. Enter total tokens to stake with application (must be at or above minDeposit)
  3. Sign TX1 – allows the registry contract to transfer tokens from your wallet
  4. Sign TX2 – submits the tokens to apply the potential listing

Challenging a Listing In Application

  1. Choose which applicant to challenge and click CHALLENGE
  2. The challenge will be done with the current minDeposit value
  3. Sign TX1 – allows the registry contract to transfer tokens from your wallet
  4. Sign TX2 – submits the tokens to challenge the application

Challenging a Listing In Registry

  1. Choose which In Registry listing to challenge and click CHALLENGE
  2. The challenge will be done with the current minDeposit value
  3. Sign TX1 – allows the registry contract to transfer tokens from your wallet
  4. Sign TX2 – submits the tokens to challenge the application

Committing a Vote

  1. Choose which listing to commit votes for
  2. Enter the number of votes to commit
  3. Choose your VOTE OPTION as either SUPPORT or OPPOSE
  4. Save the CHALLENGE ID and SECRET PHRASE (SALT), or simply download the commit JSON file
  5. Sign TX1 – allows the registry's PLCR contract to transfer tokens from your wallet
  6. Sign TX2 – requests voting rights from the registry's PLCR contract
  7. Sign TX3 – submits vote commit to the registry's PLCR contract

Revealing a Vote

  1. Choose which listing to reveal votes for (you must have previously committed)
  2. Enter the CHALLENGE ID, VOTE OPTION, and SECRET PHRASE, or upload your JSON commit file
  3. Sign TX1 – submits vote reveal hash to the registry's PLCR contract

Refreshing Listing Status

When a domain is about to be either admitted or rejected, their domain's status needs to be refreshed. This means that a token holder must sign a TX to update the listing's status

  1. Click on the REFRESH STATUS button when a domain's application stage ends
  2. The domain will either be In Registry or Rejected
  3. Sign TX1 – updates the listing's status in the registry's contract

Removing In Registry Listing

When you applied a listing and have it admitted in the registry, you are able to withdraw the listing from the registry and have your tokens returned. Only the listing applicant's wallet address is allowed to withdraw the listing.

Withdrawing Tokens from In Registry Listing

When minDeposit is decreased, you can safely withdraw tokens from your listing without being subject to touch and remove.

Depositing Tokens into In Registry Listing

When minDeposit is increased, your listing will be subject to touch and remove. You'll need to deposit additional token into your In Registry listing in order to keep it safe.

Pre-Approve Token Transfer

This minimizes the number of TXs you have to sign since you'll be pre-approving a token amount for application and challenging purposes.

  1. Enter the amount of tokens to pre-approve for application/challenging purposes
  2. Sign TX1 – allows the registry contract to transfer tokens from your wallet

Request Voting Rights

This minimizes the number of TXs you have to sign since you'll be pre-approving a token amount for voting purposes.

  1. Enter the amount of tokens to pre-approve for voting purposes
  2. Sign TX1 – allows the registry's PLCR contract to transfer tokens from your wallet
  3. Sign TX2 – requests voting rights from the registry's PLCR contract

Withdraw Voting Rights

This allows you to withdraw the tokens you used to vote. In order to be withdrawn, the tokens must not be used in a poll

  1. Enter the amount of tokens to withdraw from voting rights
  2. Sign TX1 – withdraws tokens from PLCR contract