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Adarsh Kumar Maurya edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the play-by-play-laravel-5-getting-started wiki!


This project introduces the Laravel framework to a relatively green PHP developer who is tasked with building a functional and maintainable microservice application. It will cover everything from project setup & installation to functioning endpoints with automated test support.

  1. Getting started with Laravel
  2. Configuring the Project Environment
  3. Building the Data-Model - Creating-Migration
  4. Building the Data Model - Rolling Back & Resetting Migration, Creating Database Seeders
  5. Creating Models
  6. Creating Routes
  7. Creating Controllers
  8. Querying Data - Reading Data via API
  9. Querying Data - Building Test Cases
  10. Adding Objects - Inserting Data via API
  11. Adding-Objects -Updating Data via API
  12. Adding Objects - Basic Validation
  13. Adding Objects - Custom Validation