What's Changed
- feat: Edits to robes, psy hood and daemon binders by @EttyKitty in #403
- feat: Remove "Power Weapon" from the player side by @EttyKitty in #411
- feat: new skitarii base sprite by @OH296 in #409
- feat: Allow land speeders on raids by @OH296 in #386
- feat: Refactor bionic legs drawing and add variant by @OH296 in #404
- feat: Wolf-Priest helmet; Chaplain helm drawing refactor by @EttyKitty in #433
- feat: Helmets adjustments by @EttyKitty in #434
- refactor: Diplomacy and advisor icon refactor to new image system by @VanWeapon in #363
- feat: Concept shaders complex livery and cloaks by @OH296 in #440
- feat: New Player system spawn options by @OH296 in #384
- feat: Blood Angels Complex livery by @OH296 in #461
- feat: if population equals zero then reset all influence by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #468
- feat: Make Purge interaction with Cults more obvious by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #467
- feat: New sprites for Adeptas by @EttyKitty in #469
- feat: Add pasting support for cheats by @EttyKitty in #470
- feat: Make Bombard purging reduce corruption by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #473
- feat: Rework how debugl is used and works by @EttyKitty in #476
- feat: Custom and more event colors by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #478
- fix: Enhanced Item Accessibility and Progression by @Frost-bit-jpg in #463
- feat: Planets affect recruit corruption and it's gaussian random by @EttyKitty in #477
- feat: Setter method for PlanetData adding new planet features by @OH296 in #494
- feat: Chapter traits #6 by @KRdaMystic in #491
- feat: Rework and show all specialist potentials by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #499
- feat: Centralise specialists stat requirements by @OH296 in #500
- feat: Renegade improvements by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #480
- feat: Fix and jsonify traits by @EttyKitty in #512
- feat: Lower techmarine threshold when at war by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #514
- feat: Culture visuals by @OH296 in #474
- feat: Role tagging system by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #513
- feat: Artifact gifting overhaul by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #526
- feat: Culture visuals continued development by @OH296 in #531
- feat: Add "Depleted Gene-seed Stocks" disadvantage by @Blogaugis in #527
- refactor: First company command gear/size assign by @EttyKitty in #402
- fix: Repair old guard armour distribution system by @OH296 in #413
- fix: get rid of restart variables to stop all related crashes by @OH296 in #414
- fix: wrong race variable on new recruits by @OH296 in #416
- fix(visual): Force Sword/Axe side flip by @EttyKitty in #415
- fix: Potential array issue with self-healing ships by @OH296 in #417
- fix: Redundant check causing early end game by @OH296 in #418
- fix: odd bug from player being wiped out in battle by @OH296 in #419
- fix: check inquisitor in array range by @OH296 in #428
- fix: Use correct index for missions by @OH296 in #427
- fix: case typo on shrine for recruit data by @OH296 in #429
- fix: Wrong argument passed into system_feature_bool by @OH296 in #430
- fix: ai_a error improve exception message by @OH296 in #432
- fix: Error handling to unit_finder_panel by @OH296 in #436
- fix: star_select huge rework with bug fix focus by @OH296 in #438
- fix: Typo causes crash when problem on planet by @OH296 in #442
- fix: custom_advisor splash images breaking game after save by @OH296 in #443
- fix: Change error handling of NameGenerator by @EttyKitty in #439
- fix: Move variable declaration to solve crash on drop_Select by @OH296 in #444
- fix: add init of custom_advisors in obj_ini creation by @OH296 in #445
- fix: typo causing crash when destroying gene pods by @OH296 in #446
- fix: clean up a few bugs with new planet options by @OH296 in #447
- fix: selection of research method changed to allow ships to be selected by @OH296 in #448
- fix: many misc sprite bugs by @OH296 in #449
- fix: Attempted fix for crash on image id 0 by @VanWeapon in #450
- fix: Minor alignment issues with save chapter button by @VanWeapon in #451
- fix: gloriana vessels work again by @OH296 in #453
- fix: Diplo splash images for trade dialogue by @VanWeapon in #454
- fix: Colonists and introduce PurchaseButton constructor by @OH296 in #456
- fix: Make dungeon battles and local battles run on modern roster system by @OH296 in #459
- fix: Issue wrong spawn name would spawn for home planet by @OH296 in #460
- fix: Random exit from creation screen on click by @VanWeapon in #462
- fix:
+Lightning Warriors
crash by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #464 - fix: Homeworld and recruiting world names mixing up by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #465
- fix: Tech Heresy detection var in wrong scope by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #466
- fix: Rhino missing HK missile armament by @frost923 in #472
- fix: Garrison fixes and minor changes by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #475
- fix: Remove tau influence from corruption cals by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #479
- fix: Disable annoying events by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #481
- fix: Boarders experience out of range by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #485
- fix: More debug and more fixes for garrisons by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #486
- fix: make techmarine equipment producible in forges by @Blogaugis in #487
- fix: small bug fixes and fix research tree by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #492
- fix: Trait cost adjustments by @KRdaMystic in #490
- fix: Condemnor bolter by @Blogaugis in #489
- fix: index error with roster causing raid/purge issues by @OH296 in #501
- fix: Refactor obj_bomb alarm 1 array length bug by @OH296 in #498
- fix: Crash from old ship array methods by @OH296 in #497
- fix: Weird stuff in draw_management_unit by @EttyKitty in #503
- fix: stability just workstm by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #505
- fix: Realign and move potential indicators by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #504
- fix: #500 breakage by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #506
- fix: Specialists system refactor cleanup by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #508
- fix: hand flamer by @Blogaugis in #509
- fix: local vehicles not allowed in combat by @OH296 in #510
- fix: Unequipping and destroying artifacts causes loop by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #515
- fix: Move Retinue of Renown to modern syntax by @OH296 in #517
- fix: Centralise list movement ui fix recruiting worlds lave by @OH296 in #518
- fix: force exit combat when enter is pressed with 0 enemies by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #520
- fix: Wrong case search by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #522
- fix: Integrated Bolter and Boltstorm equip by @EttyKitty in #524
- fix: Unify no applicant specialists behavior by @MCPO-Spartan-117 in #528
- fix: Damage taken when boarding by @Rathowm in #537
- fix: Make spawning new defence fleets work by @OH296 in #523
Under The Hood
- refactor: Memory safe drawing of components by @OH296 in #435
- ci: Title checker updates by @EttyKitty in #437
- ci: Edits to the pull request template by @EttyKitty in #502
- docs: Update README by @EttyKitty in #511
- ci: Better Pull Request size labels by @EttyKitty in #532
- ci: Proper Pull Request size labels by @EttyKitty in #533
- ci: Auto-labeler updates by @EttyKitty in #534
Other Changes
- fix: Equal specialist distr fix for obliterated by @KRdaMystic in #484
New Contributors
- @MCPO-Spartan-117 made their first contribution in #464
- @frost923 made their first contribution in #472
- @Frost-bit-jpg made their first contribution in #463
- @Blogaugis made their first contribution in #487
- @Rathowm made their first contribution in #537
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1