Releases: AdityaSavara/PEUQSE
Version 1.2.8
Update by Chris B on cov matrix scaling, so it remains symmetrical for greater than 2 x 2
Version 1.2.7
The Geweke Diagnostic function has been updated to use spectral variance and normalized to the length of the windows. This accounts for the variances being sample variances and also for the fact that they are not independent samples. The Geweke Diagnostic now takes longer to converge, and is consistent with the pymc method for Geweke Diagnostic.
Version 1.2.5
Several features have been upgraded to being more intuitive.
In particular, the logs_and_csvs now includes the data of the simulated responses in files like ExportedResponses
Additionally, when uniform distributions are used, and no initial guess is provided, the provided prior is now used as the initial guess rather than using the middle of the uniform distribution.
Version 1.2.1
Improved warnings in likelihood functions
Version 1.2.0
made getLogLikelihood_byResponses (which takes variances for uncertainties)
turned off convergence diagnostics during doe
turned off convergence diagnostics during multi-start (except for best run)
Fixed Example 12 and Example 13 to work with newest PEUQSE and dependencies
Version 1.1.10
New combined plots for series
Extended doSinglePoint compatibility to all situations for reducedParameter space
Version 1.1.9
Changed defaults for which plots are shown on screen at end of run
Added more examples
Version 1.1.7
multistart output log fixed (did not show map parameter set correctly)
Adjusted default EJS walker number to 16*Dims
Added unique points option to get points near function
Changing bounds check to be "<=" and ">="
(parameters equal to the bounds do not cause 0 probability).
Version 1.1.6
- getPointsNearExistingSample feature implemented as a function in order to to allow ensemble sampling around a particular point (such as on a particular mode). The inputs for this function include a csv filename (full of samples) and also a number of points to extract.
- improved the file_name_extension argument for functions related to pickle and dill
- InputParameterInitialGuess now accepts a string that points to a pickle file
Version 1.1.2
- Bug fix: Fixed scatter heatmaps: a recent improvement (~ 1 month ago) had broken this feature for cases with more than two parameters. The bug is fixed.
- add nans check in getLogLikelihood: now simulations that have any 'nan' values are considered zero probablity.
- Improved createSimulatedResponses to be directly callable multiple times from Spyder
- added progress bar to EnsembleJumpSampling (modifedMH)