A simple python program to download all tests of the "Tunisian Baccalaureate" of all available sections.
As specified in the "pyproject.toml", these are the modules dependencies for this project:
- python 3.9
- requests
- bs4
- lxml
External dependency:
- wget (for downloading the tests PDFs)
To install it just do so by pressing the "Code" button and then press "Download ZIP".
Or by git cloning this repository like this:
git clone https://github.com/adoliin/bacweb-scraper
From GUI: Go to the project folder and press the "main.py" file
From command line:
Go to the project directory to the:
cd bacweb-parser
And execute the program:
python main.py
After executing the program, a menu will appear and you can type the number of the section you want to download the tests from or type "8" to download all available tests from all sections. The program will then create a "bac" directory containing all the tests ordered by year.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details