The aim of this project is to create a shell using bash (bourne-again shell) as reference.
Minishell is a Unix shell really similar to bash but with some reduced functionalities. The project is written from scratch in C. Some of the functionalities are:
Displays current directory when waiting for a new command.
Working history of commands.
Searches and launches the right executable (based on the PATH variable or using a relative or an absolute path).
Variable expansion of environment variables, tilde characater '~' and $?.
Single and double quotes as bash would, single quotes prevent the shell from interpreting the metacharacters in the quoted sequence.
- '<' Redirects input.
- '>' Redirects output.
- '<<' + DELIMITER, reads the input until a line containing the delimiter is seen. It doesn’t update the history.
- '>>' Redirects output in append mode.
Works with pipes '|'. The output of each command in the pipeline is connected to the input of the next command via a pipe.
$? is updated with the exit code of the last executed command in the pipe.
Handles signals ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\ which behave like in bash.
To finish, the following built-in commands were implemented from scratch:
- echo with option -n
- cd with only a relative or absolute path
- pwd with no options
- export with no options
- unset with no options
- env with no options or arguments
- exit
This project doesn't handle the following functionalities:
- STDERR redirection like '2>' or STDERR + STDOUT redirection like '&>'.
- Unclosed quotes. If quotes are left unclosed minishell will interpret there is a closing quote at the end of the command.
- Commands ending with a pipe character '|'. Minishell will throw a syntax error on that case.
- Logical operators like '&&' and '||'.
- Special characters like '/' and ';'.
- Wildcards '*'.
In order to run the program first clone the repository:
git clone
Open the folder:
cd minishell/
Compile the program:
Run the program:
Additionally the executable could be moved to a directory in the $PATH to make it work from anywhere in the computer typing 'minishell', like bash.
This project is written by @ferri17 and me as part of 42 School core curriculum. I was mainly focused on the focused on the built-ins, expansor, and signals, while Ferran focused on the lexer(tokenizer), parser, and executor.