Software stack for the DRDO SASE's UAV Fleet Challenge , a high prep event for the Inter-IIT Techmeet 8.0. Detailed information about the software architecture and pipelines can be found in the wiki.
Contains the following components:
planner : A Finite State Machine implementation using the Boost C++ libraries for state transitions and actions during the mission.
detector : A detection and pose estimation framework to detect the Green objects in the field.
router: A message reception, checks and feedback system for keeping track of the detected objects between the UAVs.
OpenCV (3.0 or higher)
ROS Melodic (stable, tested) with the following packages:
- catkin
- catkin_simple
- roscpp
- usb_cam (for obtaining images from a camera connected via USB)
- cmake_modules
- message_generation (for creating and using custom messages)
- std_msgs
- sensor_msgs
- nav_msgs
- geometry_msgs
- eigen_conversions (Eigen compatibility with ROS)
- cv_bridge (OpenCV compatibility with ROS)
- mavros
Initialise the workspace, if you haven't already, and clone the repository.
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release catkin init # initialize your catkin workspace cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone %%% wstool init . ./inter_iit_uav_fleet/install/install_https.rosinstall wstool update
Build using either (preferably) catkin build inter_iit_uav_fleet
or catkin_make
after ensuring all dependencies are met.
Subscribed topics
- /image
- /GPS
- /odom
Published topics
- /thresh_image
- (Gives the thresholding/segmented image stream)
- /contours
- (Contains the contours of the image stream)
- /marked_image
- (Has the image stream with the detected object marked)
- /obj_gps
- (The gps of the detected object gets published)
- /thresh_image
Subscribed topics
- /objects
- /router/data
- (Subscribes to a table containing information about the boxes)
- /router/num
- (Subscribes to the number of objects detected)
Published topics
- (Publishes a table a containing information about the boxes)
- (Publishes the number of objects detected)
Detailed information about the software architecture and pipelines can be found in the wiki.