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Abhimanyu Ghosh edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the EmbeddedSystems wiki for EE4144 (Intro to Embedded Systems) for Fall 2016!

Some basic info:

Instructor: Professor Matthew Campisi


Abhimanyu Ghosh
Email: ag3657 [AT] nyu [DOT] edu
Chat/GTalk: Aghosh993 [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Sravani Bhuma Koppula
Email: sbk411 [AT] nyu [DOT] edu

Office Hours:

Please see

Course overview and objectives:

The primary aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the fundamental concepts, methods and best practices associated with the development of software that runs on so-called microcontrollers. To do this, students shall learn the C programming language as it is applied to solving various design problems on an Arduino hardware platform coupled with various sensors, actuators and other electronics. Hardware and software development challenges shall be discussed in the context of embedded system development, and a term project shall be worked on, to provide students with real-world experience in the application of concepts taught, and to encourage creative problem-solving.