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Build DBT2040 with MYOSP

Mark Winn edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Building DBT2-0.40 with MyOSP:

  1. Download the DBT2-0.40 from source forge :: wget

  2. You will need to extract this tar into the /opt directory :: tar xvfz dbt2-0.40.tar.gz -C /opt

  3. Now you will need to configure dbt2 giving it the path to the myosp mysql real libraries ::

    ./configure --with-mysql --enable-nonsp --with-mysql-libs=/usr/lib64/myosp --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql

  4. Now run make and make install. This will develop the necessary test scripts to be used.

  5. Set up mysql and the data in mysql with the following commands :: mkdir /opt/10w-data :: datagen -w 10 -d /opt/10w-data --mysql :: cd /opt/dbt2-0.40/scripts/mysql :: ./ -d dbt2 -f /opt/10w-data -s /tmp/mysql.sock

  6. Go into mysql to set privileges:: mysql :: grant all on dbt2.* to test@'localhost' identified by 'password'; :: grant all on dbt2.* to test@'%' identified by 'password'; :: flush privileges;

  7. To test the myosp and dbt2 we will use the script. This new script includes a new parameter to be provided in the executable line. -r now represents the remote database host that can be found in the myosp.conf file at /ect/myosp.conf under virtual hosts or this can simply be the localhost as well. For example, if the virtual host name is foo then the parameter to be passed would be -r foo. An example command is listed : sh /opt/dbt2-0.40/scripts/ -c 1 -d 180 -w 1 -n -H localhost -r dbt2test -D dbt2 -s 10 -u test -x password

  8. This will now run a test against myosp. However, if DEBUG is set in the myosp.config then the output of that is stored in /opt/dbt2-0.40/scripts/output/[test number]/client.out