This repository gathers a consistent set of all the code needed to compile and run AGILE from source.
- Make sure all git submodules are checked out
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Configure agile-stack to use docker's local build feature. On ARM based machines, run
cp agile-stack/docker-compose.override.yml.buildall agile-stack/docker-compose.override.yml
on Intel x86_64, run
cp agile-stack/docker-compose.override.yml.buildall-x86_64 agile-stack/docker-compose.override.yml
- Configure agile-stack for your local environment by creating and modifying agile-stack/.env
cd agile-stack
cp .env.example .env
vi .env
- Build all the docker containers (and take a long coffe break)
docker-compose build
- run AGILE as usual: check the README of agile-stack.