Releases: Agony5757/QPanda-lite
Releases · Agony5757/QPanda-lite
Full Changelog: 0.2.3...0.2.4
qpandalite 0.2.1.post1
Several bugs have been fixed, including
- Incompatible Rz implementation. Error occurred when Rz is controlled by other qubits.
- A new version of originq_dummy is developed, especially a clear version of Noisy Simulator. It allows inputting noise_description, gate_noise_description as well as measurement_error by kwargs.
- online_info now might be able to close in dummy mode. Adding savepath=None to submit_task can suppress the log output to online_info. Note that this is dependent on the availability of the DummyCacheContainer maintaining the output. Also, get_last_taskid is also not available in dummy mode now.
- Many features in the result_adapter are now fixed correspondingly.
What's Changed
- Add random seed mentioned in #41 by @YunJ1e in #42
- Update noisy simulator & Fix bugs in qpandalite.analyzer by @RichardSun2019 in #45
- FIX: Added an interface to modify the path of current working directo… by @Chaos-Paradox in #46
- Fix noisy simulator by @RichardSun2019 in #47
- Fix convert result list by @sbzhao in #43
New Contributors
- @RichardSun2019 made their first contribution in #45
- @Chaos-Paradox made their first contribution in #46
- @sbzhao made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1.post1
qpandalite 0.2.1
Several bugs have been fixed, including
- Incompatible Rz implementation. Error occurred when Rz is controlled by other qubits.
- A new version of originq_dummy is developed, especially a clear version of Noisy Simulator. It allows inputting noise_description, gate_noise_description as well as measurement_error by kwargs.
- online_info now might be able to close in dummy mode. Adding savepath=None to submit_task can suppress the log output to online_info. Note that this is dependent on the availability of the DummyCacheContainer maintaining the output. Also, get_last_taskid is also not available in dummy mode now.
- Many features in the result_adapter are now fixed correspondingly.
Auto-generated release notes
What's Changed
- Add random seed mentioned in #41 by @YunJ1e in #42
- Update noisy simulator & Fix bugs in qpandalite.analyzer by @RichardSun2019 in #45
- FIX: Added an interface to modify the path of current working directo… by @Chaos-Paradox in #46
- Fix noisy simulator by @RichardSun2019 in #47
- Fix convert result list by @sbzhao in #43
New Contributors
- @RichardSun2019 made their first contribution in #45
- @Chaos-Paradox made their first contribution in #46
- @sbzhao made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1
qpandalite 0.2.0
qpandalite 0.2.0
See examples in
What's New
Add support of origin_qcloud
What's Changed
- add quafu sync query and group submit by @didaozi in #22
- Noisy Simulator from C++ to Python[cont.] by @YunJ1e in #17
- Import bug fix in qpandalite.simulator by @YunJ1e in #23
- noisy_simulator in by @YunJ1e in #24
- submit and query task by qcloud by @didaozi in #29
- Agony5757 main by @didaozi in #25
Full Changelog: 0.1.9...0.2.0
qpandalite 0.1.9
What's new
- Add IBM platform support (not stable)
- Add DAGGER and CONTROL support for OriginIR. Also support construct programs like
with c.dagger():
- Update error info in qpandalite.task (various platforms). Especially outputting detailed information if the required xx_config.json does not satisfy the requirement.
- Add kwargs for functions qpandalite.task.originq to absorb dummy_path parameter. This allows a better migration from dummy to real-platform.
- Fix the error when no config file is input if using originq_dummy
- Fix the error when the type of dummy_path is str when using originq_dummy
(Auto generated) What's Changed
- support add control to x-gate by @YunJ1e in #8
- qiskit support init by @YunJ1e in #9
- OriginIR to OpenQASM [cont.] by @YunJ1e in #11
- update ibm task file by @didaozi in #10
- fix commit error by @automatic-code-ztr in #13
- OpenQASM to OriginIR & analyze_circuit by @YunJ1e in #15
Full Changelog: 0.1.8...0.1.9
qpandalite 0.1.8
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.1.7...0.1.8
qpandalite 0.1.7
Full Changelog: 0.1.6...0.1.7