You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 20
Basic Development Guide
Commands are encapsulated in objects where keys are the command ids and the values can be functions or strings. If the value is a string, it is an alias, if it is a function, is a command.
const commands = {
alias: 'command',
command: function () {
// Do something
The command function is called in a command context, an object with all information about the user, room, command token, etc and a lot of useful methods.
- A string made by group + username who called the command -
- Identity parsed of this.by (id, name, group) -
- Room identifier or null if private message -
- Command token used -
- Original command id used to call the command -
- Command argument -
- this.arg.split(',') -
- true to reply with /announce -
- Target room (for configuration commands) -
- Current language
this.send(data, room)
- Sends data -
this.sendPM(to, data)
- Sends a private message -
- Standard reply -
- Replies by private message -
this.restrictReply(text, permission)
- Replies standard or pm depending the permission -
- Standard error reply -
this.can(permission, room)
- Returns true if the user has the permission, false if not -
- Returns true if the user is in the exception list, false if not -
- Standard access denied reply -
this.usage(arg1, arg2, ...)
- Gets a standard usage message -
- Returns the room type: chat, pm, battle, unknown
In order to add a commands object to the bot use App.parser.addCommands(commands_object_here)
In order to undo the previous method, you can use App.parser.removeCommands(commands_object_here)
The control panel server is composed by different handlers for the different main paths. To create a server handler use App.server.setHandler(main_path, handler)
App.server.setHandler('example', (context, parts) => {
context.endWithWebPage('This is an example!', {title: "Example - Showdown ChatBot"});
The handler receives via arguments an instance of RequestContext and an array with the url requested splitted by "/"
RequestContext Attributes:
- Original Request object -
- Original Response object -
- User that makes the request (id, name, group) or null if not login in. -
- Requested url -
- IP that makes the request -
- Response headers -
- GET arguments -
- POST arguments -
- Client cookies
RequestContext Methods:
context.endWithHtml(html, status_code)
- Sends an html source to the client -
context.endWithText(text, status_code)
- Sends a plain text to the client -
context.endWithWebPage(body, head_options, status_code)
- Sends a standard webpage to the client -
- Sends the standard 404 error webpage to the client -
- Sends the standard 403 error webpage to the client -
context.endWithError(error_code, title, error_message)
- Sends an error to the client -
- Sends a file to the client
In order to add server-side permissions, use App.server.setPermission(permission_id, description)
In order to add menu options, use App.server.setMenuOption(id, name, url, permission_to_show)
In order to add a bot events listener use App.bot.on(event, listener)
In order to remove an event listener use App.bot.removeListener(event, listener)
List of available events:
error (err)
- When an internal error occurs -
connecting ()
- When the bot starts the connecion protocol to the server -
connect (connection)
- When the bot connects -
connectFailed (error)
- When the connection protocol fails -
disconnect (error)
- When the connection to the server is closed -
timeout ()
- When the connection to the server expires -
renamefailure (type, nick, pass)
- When a rename request fails -
send (msg)
- When the bot sends something to the server -
formats (formats_data)
- When battle formats are received -
challstr (challstr)
- When challstr (keywords for the login process) is received -
updateuser (nick, named, avatar)
- When the bot gets a new nickname -
queryresponse (json_response)
- When a query response is received -
popup (popup_body)
- When a popup is received -
roomjoin (room, type)
- When the bot joins a room -
roomleave (room)
- When the bot leaves a room -
roomjoinfailure (room, errcode, reason)
- When the bot cannot join a room -
chat (room, time, message)
- When the bot sends a chat message -
userchat (room, time, by, message)
- When an user (not the bot) sends a chat message -
pmsent (to, message)
- When the bot sends a private message -
pm (from, message)
- When the bot receives a private message -
userrename (room, old_name, new_name)
- When an user (not the bot) gets a nickname change -
userjoin (room, user)
- When an user (not the bot) joins a room -
userleave (room, user)
- When an user (not the bot) leaves a room -
line (room, line, splitted_line, is_init)
- When a line (part of a message) is received. General parsing event -
message (received_message)
- When something is received from the server
Tools are simple scripts stored in /src/tools/ path. You can use any of those scripts using Tools.get(script_filename)
An useful and frecuently used script is text.js
. Example and descriptions:
const Text = Tools.get('text.js');
let foo;
foo = Text.toId("Example"); // Reduces an string to an user identifier
foo = Text.toRoomid("Room name"); // Reduces an string to a room identifier
foo = Text.toCmdid("Command"); // Reduces an string to a command identifier
foo = Text.toCmdTokenid("."); // Reduces an string to a command token identifier
foo = Text.escapeHTML("Usage: command <arg1>, <arg2>"); // Replaces html reserved characters
foo = Text.stripCommands("/example"); // Removes pokemon showdown commands from a chat message
foo = Text.toChatMessage(" Example\n "); // Reduces an string to a chat message
foo = Text.randomId(length); // Gets a random user identifier
foo = Text.randomToken(length); // Gets a random token (for keys)
foo = Text.parseUserIdent("@Username"); // Parses a raw username. Gets an object like {id: 'username', name: 'Username', group: '@'}
Another useful tool is the auto-translation system in translate.js
Example of usage:
const Translator = Tools.get('translate.js');
const translator = new Translator(translations_file); // To load a translations file
let example = translator.get(key, language); // To get a translation of a key
Example of a translations file:
# This is a comment
# Use %language to define a language
# Any line placed betwen a language declaration and the next one
# are translations for that language
# Key definition
# Syntax: $key = text here
$key1 = Hello
$key2 = Example
$key1 = Hola
$key2 = Ejemplo
Showdown ChatBot is distributed under the terms of the MIT License