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Progressive Hydration

This repo for duscuss about the Progressive Hydration.The Progressive Hydration Is a technique used in react to improve performance and user experience. By load the static UI First and the delay the js untill the main content loaded. Learn More ( PDF , GOOGLE SLIDE )

Example : react progressive hydration

In this example, we have header and hero-section(intro) and list of users. The point we need to hydrate the page progressively. The header and the intro hydrate it at the beginning. The list of users hydrate when we scroll down.

The "allow hydrate button" is for let use to test before/after the allow the hydration operation.

Home page screen shot

How To Run

The exmple use Webpack to generate the bunlders. You notice that we have Server.js witch is an express app. And the app directory is our react app (fronend). You can run the app with using this command in the terminal

npm i 
npm start 

After Run this command the server start building the bundles

How it works

To enable the hydration to our list we have to click on the button 'allow hydration' let's try witout clicking the button and scroll down into the list. So What you notice ? actually nothing change let's try to click on the user avator image and watch our console in the browser.

Still !! nothing happen.

Now lets refersh the site and try again with clicking on the button to enable the hydration to the list


Once the scroll reach the content the hydration operation start working


So Let's try to click on the avatar. We notice that the action of clicking on avator is working. onClick action write on the console as you see in figure below.

So the hydrtion working well !!

Server Side

Once the server start running the creation of the inital content will start. This operation Follow 4 septs ash shown:

  • Generate Bundlers through webpack
  • Create the HTML File
  • Link the bundler
  • Return it as response

ssr function

ssr function is the function that used for creation of html and send it to the client side.

app.get('/', async (request, response) => {
  try {
    const stream = await ssr({
      url: request.url

Right now, the server start write the inital content (HTML). Notice that the bundler script are added in the page with defer. That's mean the entire html node has been created the script will be running.

app.get('/', async (request, response) => {
    stream.on('data', function handleData() {'data', handleData);
      response.writeHead(200, {
        'content-type': 'text/html',
        'content-transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
        'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff'
      response.write(`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>`);
      response.write(`<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, 
      initial-scale=1"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
      <script type="module" defer src="/build/client.js"></script></head>`);
      response.write(`<body><div id="approot">`);

After Creation the inital content and link the bundler, it have to return the response as HTML Document

    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      stream.on('error', err => {
      stream.on('end', () => {

Client Side

In client side, instead of creation new node of elements we hydrate it. So what we mean with Hydrate ?

React allow you to create virtual DOM or hydrate app. The hydration mean the UI is shown but the handlers and the it's own logic not working yet. Like pizza, the operaton of put the pizza inside the furnace and wait untill the pizza is ready. This operation called hydrate the pizza. In other words, the hydrate function it just enable the logic of node bu reusing it instead of create it from beginning.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './components/app.js';

ReactDOM.hydrate(<App />, window.approot);

Inside the component that we need to hydrae it we can wrap it inside section element and then hydrate this section. As shown in this code we declare an IntersectionObserver whitch is observe any action to this section. For instance the scroll into the section will Folk the callback function.

In the callback function we hydrate what we want to hydrate. Then unobserve the Observer.

 new IntersectionObserver(async ([entry], obs) => {
      if (!entry.isIntersecting) return;

      const { load, ...props } = this.props;
      const Child = interopDefault(await load());
      if (props.allowHydration) {
		console.log("Hydration Start...!")
        ReactDOM.hydrate(<Child {...props} />, this.root);
		console.log('Hydrate : ')



About Progressive hydration and examples on it







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