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Spam Filter


The spam filter is one the most important tools which is used by big companies
to filer the coming emails. 
The spam filer will help big companies to know which email is spam or ham.


tool_1 tool_2
Flask Logo mysql
python sqlalchemy
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How to use:

Before you use the program make sure that you have all the required technologies which are mentioned above in the technologies siction
1- open you terminal.
2- clone the repo of the spam filter using this command git clone .
3- move to the Spam filter directory using cd Spam Filter.
4- run the app file using this command python3 and run python3
5- open this link in your browser and this link also
6- type the email address of the email which you recevied.
7- type the content of the email which you recevied.
8- the backend will recevie your the content of your email and check if the email is spam or not by filtering the words using naive bayes algrothime and filtering the email address by checking if the email address is in spam emails list or not.
9- After checking your email if it spam or not. if the email is not spam you are going to see a message which will pop up asking you if you expect to get email from this email address. if you press no it will mean that email is a spam email. Any upcoming email from that email address will be detected as a spam email.
