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- The application was built and donated in 2020 to library managers in Of Technology Faculty of KTU.
- The project was built with Java Swing by coding. (not drag and drop)
- If application can not connect to Mysql then we would get a message and there is a solution suggestion about problem. This one tell us to run xampp port to connect mysql.
- And as you can see there is not library database before connection mysql.
- Here as you can see when the connection is successful and if there is not library database then the program create database and its tables.
- Here is login screen for library manager.
- Here is main page of application. Books can be borrowed to students in this page.
- Here is book adding page. Books can be added to database.
- If book's barcode code is registered before then the result field will tell you that book is registered before with orange background.
- Here is the registering student page. The students can be registered to application in this page.
- If there is any empty field then the result field will have a error message
- Here is list of registered books page and the manager can search book by book's property.
- After students and books added, manager can lend books to student here. If pairing succesfull then result field will let you know in green background.
- Here is the page to extend the book's returning time.
- Students can get max 3 books. And this page is like a student profile. After entered student number, all datas will be brought.
- Registered student page. All registered students will be seen here.
- If students had fine because of being late about returning book then total fine will be displayed here.
- Books can be updated here.
- If library manager changes then username and password must be changed.
- Usernmae, password or both change process is told here.
- When students graduate then his/her registration must be removed from database. If student have book or fine then can not remove from system.
- Book return page.
Actually there are much more screenshots to add and show here but if I add much more I afraid it will be boring. So I finished here about telling the project. Thanks for have a look to my project. I hope you like it