The position and orientation of a SCORBOT by using Peter Corke Robotics Toolbox in Matlab. SCORBOT-ER 4U is a vertical articulated robot, with five revolute joints. With gripper attached,the robot has six degrees of freedom. figure above identifies the joints and links of mechanical
arm. Kinematics is the science of motion that treats the subject without regarding the forces that cause it. In this paper, the forward kinematics was implied in the principal role to analyze the
motion of SCORBOT-ER 4U. The forward kinematics is process of determination the position and orientation of end effector . For
studying this problem, method based on Denavit Hartenberg (DH) convention is used to determine modelling robot links and joints. To solve the kinematics problem, we have to assign frame to each link by starting from base frame to end-effector frame. The frame assignment is shown below. Then, we define the D-H parameters obtained in Table.