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Spark Connector InfluxDB Data Source

A library for writing and reading data from InfluxDB using Spark SQL Streaming (or Structured streaming).


Install package By Maven

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

If you need to deploy private Nexus Repository:

mvn clean deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Import POM to your project:


Unlike using --jars, using --packages ensures that this library and its dependencies will be added to the classpath.

The --packages argument can also be used with bin/spark-submit.

This library is only for Scala 2.12.x, so users should replace the proper Scala version in the commands listed above.



SQL Stream can be created with data streams received through InfluxDB using:

  .option("host", "localhost")
  .option("port", "8086")
  .option("user", "influxdb")
  .option("password", "influxdb")
  .option("org", "org")
  .option("bucket", "test_bucket")
  .option("measurement", "sensor")

You can refer to FluxStreamSourceApplication.scala.


(1)The source uses the Minimum Time Slice Algorithm to extract data from InfluxDB through incremental reads.

(2)The read data currently only supports raw record based on the StringType string situation of Line Protocol.


SQL Stream may be also transferred into InfluxDB using:

  .option("host", "localhost")
  .option("port", "8086")
  .option("user", "influxdb")
  .option("password", "influxdb")
  .option("org", "org")
  .option("bucket", "test_bucket")
  .option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp")

You can refer to FluxStreamSinkApplication.scala.


(1)The Sink only supports data sources based on line protocols.

(2)OutputMode mode only supports append mode.


Parameter Name Description Default Value Read Write
host 【Require】InfluxDB Server host localhost
port 【Require】InfluxDB Server post 8086
user 【Require】InfluxDB Server user
password 【Require】InfluxDB Server password
token InfluxDB Server access token
org 【Require】InfluxDB organization
bucket 【Require】InfluxDB bucket
measurement 【Require】InfluxDB measurement
delta-time Incremental read from influxdb by minimum time slice (Unit: ms) 1000
time-zone A time-zone ID, such as Europe/Paris. Asia/Shanghai
batchSize Specify how many pieces of data to write as a batch. 1000
numPartitions Number of partitions to write. None