Selection of Optimum ΔTmin and Area Targeting of Heat Exchanger Network Design by Classical Pinch Method
This project contains two Jupyter Notebooks for design of a Heat Exchanger Network.
The first Jupyter Notebook provides relevant data to the user to choose optimum Minimum Temperature Difference by considering the trade-off between Heat Exchanger Area and Utility Requirement.
Based on the data and costing information, the user selects a ΔTmin and a corresponding Heat Exchanger Network is designed with Minimum Possible Area in the second Jupyter Notebook by the Classical Pinch Method.
An Excel file containing:
- Stream Information
- Supply Temperature (°C)
- Target Temperature (°C)
- Heat Load (kW)
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2.K) prompted by the Jupyter Notebook
- Graph of Minimum Area vs Minimum Hot Utility Required
- Graph of Minimum Area vs ΔTmin
- Graph of Minimum Utility vs ΔTmin
An Excel file of 100 rows containing:
- ΔTmin (°C)
- Pinch Temperature (°C)
- Ideal Minimum Hot Utility Required (kW)
- Ideal Minimum Cooling Utility Required (kW)
- Ideal Minimum Area Required (m^2)
If the user has costing information, he/she can make a sound decision to choose optimum ΔTmin.
An Excel file containing:
- Stream Information
- Supply Temperature (°C)
- Target Temperature (°C)
- Heat Load (kW)
ΔTmin (°C) prompted by the Jupyter Notebook
- Combined Composite Curve
- Grand Composite Curve
- Pinch in the Grid Representation
- Temperature Interval Diagram
An Excel file containing:
- Problem Table algorithm for Pinch Analysis
- Table to generate Hot Composite Curve
- Table to generate Cold Composite Curve
- Table for Area Targeting of Heat Exchanger Network Design
- It is assumed that the Heat Capacity Flow Rate (FCp) of all the streams are constant from the Supply Temperature to the Target Temperature.
- It is assumed that the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) is constant regardless of the stream matches.
- It is assumed that the pressure drop a stream experiences while going through a heat exchanger is within its permissible limit and no extra compressor is required.
- It is assumed that all the streams in heat exchanger undergo pure countercurrent flow.
- The number of units required to achieve minimum overall surface area isn't specified.
- The Pinch Design Method for Heat Exchanger Networks- B. Linnhoff and E.Hindmarsh Chemical Engineering Science Vol.38, No. 5, pp. 745-763, 1983
- Cost Optimum Heat Exchanger Networks-I. Minimum Energy and Capital Using Simple Models for Capital Cost- B. Linnhoff and S. Ahmad Computers Chem. Eng. Vol. 14, No. 7, pp.729-750, 1990
This Github repository is made by Abhishek Kundu, currently a final year student pursuing Bachelor of Chemical Engineering course at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. He can be contacted on his LinkedIn profile here for feedback and criticism.