Akaihane Channel is a french image-board project created for https://www.akane-ch.org
Installation instructions are described in french in the source code. Here is a translation of the setup.
Create a directory in the root folder. Paste the akane.php file and create the following folders res/ src/ and thumb/.
SERVER_ROOT/ | +-- <board name>/ | +-- Akane.php | +-- res/ | +-- src/ | +-- thumb/
Create a database ("imageboard" by default, otherwise rename it in the parameters below).
Edit the parameters.
Execute akane.php in a web browser.
Requierments : PHP, GD, PDO, MySQL. Nothing too specific, just run a Wamp server and it works.
Features :
- Textboard mode
- Video embding (Youtube only)
- Sage
- Admin tools (delete, ban, unban, lock, sticky, etc...)
- Reports
- Tripcodes/capcodes
- Inline catalog view
- Search engine links
- Duplicate files protection (oops, I forgot this function in the v2)
- Some fancy JS stuffs
- Anti-spam cooldown
Recent changes:
- Version 2, classes have been made, more refactoring in the future.
- Now there's a rank system for users. For instance: if(User->rank < 2){do something}.
- Page generation is simplier now, you can do what you want : Page->head()->title()->footer()->etc... write() to create a file and render() to display it live.
- The report button really does report now (anyway I'd rather disable it).
- The post form can be moved with the mouse. It goes up or down the viewport when in mobile view (screen width < 600px).
- When in admin view, posts get a border with a color based on the IP to help figure out who posted what.