Over 150 commands to use!
Many web searches, such as google, google image, myanimelist, youtube, steam and many more
Playing games such as magic 8ball and flipping coins
Music streaming from YouTube
Getting info on members and the current server
Monitor Twitch streamers and get a message when one goes live
Auto-moderation functions
Timed repeating messages
Many other commands. See Commands for the full list :)
Hydrabolt for the DiscordJS library. Thanks dood.
The Dirigeants Group for creating the Klasa framework. Invite to Discord
York, the creator of AnIdiotsGuide for getting me started and his teacher, Evie for getting me interested in bot development.
Everyone on the DiscordJS server for never answering questions that I asked.
Various people on Discord who gave me ideas for new functions or improvements to existing ones. I'm talking about you Jacz.
All the creators of the node packages used in this bot.