This repository is only to store some examples and exercises in the study of Numerical Method.
- 1.5 - Implementation of some norms;
- 2.5 - A simple example to show the Runge phenomenon;
- 2.5.3 - An example for cubic spline interpolation;
- 3.3 - Reveal the meaning of "intersection points";
- 3.4 - Show some chebyshev polynomials;
- 4.2 - Examples for gaussian elimination and LU decomposition.
- 5.3 - Newton method and Newton downhill method.
- 7.15 - The use of difference method;
- 8.3 - Use Monte Carlo method to estimate the sum;
- 8.4 - Use Monte Carlo method to calculate integrations;
- 9.6 - Steepest descend method, iterate twice;
- 9.7 - Linear programming.