Project for the Smart Applications course @ University of Pisa
Authors: Alberto Marinelli, Luca Moroni, Davide Amadei, Diego Arcelli, Pietro Francaviglia, Giacomo Cignoni, Gabriele Marino, Irene Pisani, Alessandro Capurso, Roberto Esposito, Sergio Latrofa, Veronica Pistolesi
Helm is a customizable AI-based research assistant, for innovation managers and academics who need to retrieve and analyze the most significant sources for any research field.
Helm will propose to users the best documents and insights according to their queries through a simple interactive dashboard.
Unlike traditional academic search engines, Helm intuitively provides topic-centered visualizations, filters and rankings.
Clone the entire orchestrator repository with the command
git clone --recurse-submodules
move to the orchestrator folder
cd orchestrator
check that you are on the master branch and have pulled the last commits
git checkout master
git pull
Update the three sub repos with the instruction:
git submodule update --recursive --remote
Containers of the three sub-modules can be executed by launching them from the orchestrator folder (execution will take several minutes):
make build
To test the correct functioning of the containers, query the following addresses:
If you do not have the make command (i.e. you are on a Windows environment) install make via chocolately, opening the terminal with administrator permissions:
choco install make
If you do not have chocolately, install from
Running the frontend from the Docker container can take several minutes in a Windows environment, slowing down the development process too much. If you wish to develop on FE via a Windows environment, it is recommended to stop the frontend container (i.e. via Docker Desktop) and run the module locally:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
To activate the BE and AI modules, use the instruction directly from the orchestrator:
make build-dev