This project is an example of how to build a basic single-page app. In contrast to multi-page apps, where you need to serve a new page whenever the client fetches resources from a different URL on your domain, single-page apps provide a way to serve resources dynamically while controlling the routing history of the browser on the front-end application. The advantages of single-page applications are that they can work seamlessly integrated with the browser history and that we get better performance results while loading dynamic content.
First, install all dependencies
and devdependencies
locally, we are using
to avoid issues with the deprecated packages in this version:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Run a local server in port 5000:
npm run dev
There are multiple custom solutions for client-side routing with Lightning Web Components, but we choose the application @lwce/router package. This package has received attention from the official Salesforce Developers group, and although it hasn't been updated recently, we try to adhere to the community's practices as much as possible. In the future, we might use a forked package to update the dependency tree if the official package doesn't receive new updates.
The application we are using here is a carbon copy of the one provided by the
@lwce/router package. We just
bundled it using rollup
to use the example as a reference for more complex
projects. The template we are using for the project setup comes from