This package gives several utilities to send special ARP packets and read the ARP tables on the local network.
arputils makes it easy to read system arp tables for a wide-use case. In particular, it supports mitm-arp spoofing, which is useful for research.
This package uses completely modern javascript. It makes full use of async/await and all es6 syntax. This makes the code very clean.
In addition, everything is written in TypeScript. Types are all available which makes documentation very strong.
There is a package on npm called
It's easy to launch an ARP spoofing attack.
const arpSpoof = new ArpSpoof('en0');
setInterval(async () => {
await arpSpoof.poison('', '');
await arpSpoof.poison('', '');
}, 2 * 1000);
There are also network utils to make this easier, for example, you can automatically get the gateway ip or default interface:
const interface = await NetworkUtils.getDefaultInterface();
const gatewayIp = await NetworkUtils.getGatewayIp(;
Once again, this is very easy.
const arpTables = new ArpTable('en0');
const clients = arpTables.getClients();
clients.forEach(client => console.log(client.ip);
Yes, it's possible.
const arpSpoof = new ArpSpoof('en0');
await arpSpoof.sendRawPacket({
'op': 'reply',
'src_ip': srcIp,
'dst_ip': dstIp,
'dst_mac': 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'
This package is based off the arpjs package, written by skepticfx.
This package was made due to the fact it was based on callbacks and had rather poor code quality.