- Alessandro Conti - AlessandroConti11
- Sara Casali
- Matteo Lazzeri
License: MIT license.
Tags: #C++
, #Cpp
, #computer_engineering
, #internet_of_things
, #IoT
, #parking_spot
, #polimi
, #wokwi
Politecnico di Milano.
Academic Year: 2023/2024.
054323 - Internet of Things - professor Cesana Matteo - 1st challenge.
Specification overview:
- implement a node that sends the parking slot occupancy;
- ESP32 and HC-SR04 must be used.
Project specifications in full are in the file: Specification.
The node was implemented using the Wokwi platform to simulate its operation.
The ESP32 board and the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor was used to implement the node.
To try it out, you can copy and paste the diagram.json and sketch.ino files on the Wokwi site and run the simulation or follow the following link where the implementation is already present.
In the Report we find the final considerations, node consumption, and ideas for increasing its lifetime.