Trainings history window was added. Now one can see last 150 trained words sorted by training date.
Filtration by parts of speech was added.
The other fixes and changes:
- New algorithm of word selection for training was implemented.
- Wrong asterisk's dates update was fixed.
- Ignoring time for taken asterisk words changed from 24 to 16 hours.
- Now word's group retains the same after creation a new clause in Clause edit window.
- Counter of tests runs that is showed in the title of a test window was implemented.
- Playing of beep sound for clauses without sound was removed.
- Since now for WordTranslation training the transcription and sound reveal after blind screen.
- 5 seconds on answer option was added for Sprint Training.
- Fixed bug - exception after deleting some words in the result window and starting a new round.
System requirements:
- Windows 7 SP1 (x86 or x64) or higher;
- .Net Framework 4.7.2