What a mess: the syllables have mixed! Are you able to put them back in order?
The column on the right side of the window contains a list of syllables. Put together, they form a word. Problem is that they are obviously not in the correct order! Your work is to restore order in this jumble…
A click on a brick makes the letter appear in the main column. If the syllable is at its right place in the word, it will appear in green (success !); if not, it will appear in red (error…).
You can click anytime on the button refresh to erase your attempt and give it a new try. Beware! Reloading the page would trigger the display of a new set of syllables. This feature can be more simply achieved by hitting the Nouveau mot ! button. Moreover, the button would prevent the reloading of the entire database.
- selecting the number of syllables
- inserting parasitic syllables
- hiding/showing a brief definition of the word
The Syllabricks database comes from Lexique 3.8 :
- New B., Pallier C., Ferrand L., Matos R. (2001) Une base de données lexicales du français contemporain sur internet: LEXIQUE, L'Année Psychologique, 101, 447-462. http://www.lexique.org
- New, B., Pallier, C., Brysbaert, M., Ferrand, L. (2004) Lexique 2: A New French Lexical Database. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36 (3), 516-524.
All the definitions of the words have been automatically scraped from the Larousse website:
- Caron, Antoine, Chiesa, Pierre, Girerd, Laurent, et. al. Larousse.fr [en ligne]. Paris : Éditions Larousse, 2019. [Consulté le 13/11/2019]. Disponible à l'adresse : https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/