JAAT.h is a simple single header library that introduce a basic implementation of a modified stack based machine in C. It's simple to understand and simple to modify due to the minimalistic way that it was designed. Here the JAAT.h is used with a main.c program to create a sort of backend that can use a simple preprocessor to analize text files with the assemly that JAAT can execute. If for example someone need to create a simple JIT compiler he can use the executable of JAAT as it is and feed to it the compiled program by his JIT implementation, so creating first a text file with the program translated to the assembly like of JAAT and then feed this file to the compiled JAAT backend by providing the "-n" flag ( JAAT -n ./your/program.txt ).
JAAT can also be used as a single header library by itself and integrate it inside your project. By first declaring the preprocessor constant "JAAT_IMPLEMENTATION" and then including the header file as usual.
The only difference with the backend at the preprocessing level is the lack of comments inside your code. This features is only provided if the program is loaded by the backend.
If you are using the JAAT executable those are the possible options:
-h : print help
-l : print list of instruction
-ex [n] : execute some example programm
-n [file] : load external programm
The instruction set is inspired by the simple ASM of the 6502 microprocessor. Therefore there is a total of 31 instruction that cover most of the possible usage.
To create a more complex type of instruction that trigger a specific behaviour inside the Virtual Machine you can:
directly modify the list of instruction and customise the ISA utilized by the VM ( hard but optimal ways )
creating a routine inside your program to cover what you need ( classic approach for a RISC type of ISA )
List of instruction used by the VM:
GET(arg_0) : get item from stack position 'arg_0' and store it in the accumulator. This modify the stack pointer
GET(CONST) : get data from constant and store it in the accumulator
PUT(arg_0) : put 'arg_0' into the stack
PUT('string') : put string into the stack
PUT(CONST) : put data from the selected const into the stack
POP(arg_0) : pop item from the stack position 'arg_0' and store it in the accumulator. This modify the stack pointer
ADC(arg_0,arg_1) : sum arg_1 with the accumulator and store the result inside the stack location arg_0
ADC#(arg_0,arg_1) : sum stack location arg_1 with stack location arg_0 and store the result inside the stack location arg_0
SBC(arg_0,arg_1) : subtract arg_1 with the accumulator and store the result inside the stack location arg_0
SBC#(arg_0,arg_1) : subtract stack location arg_1 with stack location arg_0 and store the result inside the stack location arg_0
CMP(arg_0,arg_1) : compare between stack location arg_0 and immediate arg_1
CMP#(arg_0,arg_1) : compare between stack location arg_0 and stack location arg_1
PRT(arg_0) : print content inside stack location arg_0
PRT(CONST) : print data associated with the constant reference
PRT('string') : print the immediate string provided as an argument
SCN() : scan only for keyboard input
SWP(arg_0,arg_1) : swap data between stack location arg_0 and stack location arg_1
INC(arg_0) : increment stack location arg_0
INC(CONST) : increment data associated with the constant reference
DEC(arg_0) : decrement stack location arg_0
DEC(CONST) : decrement data associated with the constant reference
NXT() : increment the stack pointer
PRV() : decrement the stack pointer
PAR(arg_0, arg_1) : put immediate arg_1 inside the extension_bus location arg_0
PAR#(arg_0, arg_1) : put data in stack location arg_1 inside the extension_bus location arg_0
JUMP related instruction:
note: those instruction can use a label namespace as an argument for the jump
JMP(arg_0) : jump to the location arg_0
JZN(arg_0) : jump if the result of a compare is not equal to 0
JEQ(arg_0) : jump if the result of a compare is equal to 0
JPO(arg_0) : jump if the result of a compare has generate an overflow
JSR(arg_0) : jump to subroutine, the return address is pushed in a separate stack
RTS() : return from subroutine
tips: take a look inside JAAT.h for more clarification