Plugin for CMF Cotonti Siena used to associate pages with any types of files and manage such links.
Authors: Authors: esclkm, Kort, Cotonti Team
Plugin page:
- Unpack upload and install Pageavatar plugin
- Add code snippets to page.add.tpl and page.edit.tpl (or category-specific templates)
- Add settings strings for each specific category (see below)
- Create folder(s) for file uploads as needed
Add plugin tags as follows:
Add plugin tags as follows:
<!-- ENDIF -->
The structure of a settings string is as follows:
category code | path to uploads folder | thumbnail mask(s) | mandatory? | extension(s) | thumb creation mode
Brief explanation:
- category code is... the category code (you can use 'all' to deal with all uploads)
- path is the path to the folder you want to store the files in (we recommend ./datas/smth/)
- thumbnail mask is best explained with an example: thumb_150-200 (add thumb_ prefix to the filename, height 150, width 200)
- if you want to specify mandatory upload add 1 here, otherwise 0 (optional)
- specify extensions you want to restrict uploads with (optional)
- this is the way you want thumb to be generated: crop is crop, height gives you height priority, width -- width priority, frame means the thumb will stay within the specified height and width
You can now get your image paths in the LIST_ROW regular block or elsewhere, i.e.:
- ./datas/{LIST_ROW_CAT}/{LIST_ROW_AVATAR} will give you ./datas/shop/page_234.jpg
- thumb_{LIST_ROW_AVATAR} will give you thumb_page_234.jpg