This application provides an example of JQuery to dynamically update HTML and CSS. It is a basic daily planner allowing the user to add events to a planner that are saved to local storage therefore the user can return to the application without the loss of previous inputs.
This daily planner has features such as:
- A display of current date and time.
- A color coded hour slots to show what is in the past present and future for the day.
- An input area to save events for that day.
- Use of local storage so events persist between page refreshes.
- A clear button to clear all events from the page.
This application provides a daily planner for the user to add events for the standard business hours. These events persist between page refreshes and the application provides a color coded timeblock to show the user which hours are in the past, present and future. This feature allows the user to plan their day accordingly in hour time slots. The application also contains a clear page feature, removing all events. This feature is useful when starting a new day to reset all time slot events and allow the user to start fresh.
Below is a screenshot of the application:
Link to deployed webpage: