The motivation and purpose behind this project was to create a site where you can view the best selling books of any week the user selects. It solves the issue of not only having a quick and easy to use database, but it's also easy on the eyes and accessible.
We learned a lot about using different APIs and how we can make them work together. We also learned a lot about using Bulma to style our webpage.
Link to deployed url: here
To use, all you have to do is select a date from the drop-down calendar. The top five non-fiction and top five fiction books of that week will then populate onto the page. Under the books image, you'll then see the books title, author, and description of the book. Each card is also fit with an Amazon link, so the user can purchase the book!
New York Times API: link to API
Bulma: link to API
GoodReads: link to API
- Alex H.
- Dylan P.
- Morgan D.
- Connor C.
MIT License
A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
The features of our app are as follows:
- the most current cover image for fiction and non-fiction books
- the books titles with the books author right under it
- a short description that describes the content of the book
- an Amazon link that can be used to purchase a book the user likes