Using Relation Inspectors to display links between Datas (Levels, Reward, Prefabs, etc) of a game database
This is based on RelationsInspector by @seldomU. This a very rough proof of concept for a use case where each levels gives one reward which is one prefab. Everything has to be unique and connected, and we want a way to visualize that.
Shows how every data of a game is connected:
The Database Hold references to levels
Level Hold references to Rewards
Rewards hold references to Prefabs
Cell will display in red if some links don't exists, or don't match: ex: Two levels have a common reward.
How to use:
1- Windows > RelationsInspector
3- drag and drop "Master Database" in that windows. It will show the links between all elements.
The cells gets a bit wrangled, you can untangled them a bit and press "Relayout".
Check the RelationsInspector page for more details!