- Group 0: Michele Pestarino + Federico Sacco
- Group 1: Elea Papin + Paul Raingeard
- Group 2: Ebru Baglan + Tachadol Suthisomboon + Yusuke Kido
- Group 3: Antonio Bucciero + Marco Limone
- Group 4: Simone Contorno + Gabriele Russo
- Group 5: Alex Thanaphon Leonardi
Remember to set sockopt to reuse address port
Drones should generate trajectory in the form of:
- number of total steps to take
- random direction Directions: 0 (up), 1 (top-right), 2 (right), ... , 7 (top-left)
See values.h for communication messages specifications
- simple client/server communication
- drone: able to generate trajectory (path + direction, see README), send next step to master, wait for master response before moving, if not start timeout (see values.h)
- master: receive all movements, check for collisions, respond to all drones 1 by 1 sequentially, draw map
- drone: able to manage its own power/fuel, sends master "out of fuel" message
- master: mark drones as landed or not
- drone: implement refueling (arbitrarily decide refuel time) by sending master its CURRENT coordinates
- master: reduce log spam
- master: if reading a drone's current coordinates being set, assume it is refueling and display it
- master: add visualization of already explored area
- master: fix collision issue when drone is beyond x = 40 y = 40
- drone: add logging