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FlexiCharge Cross-Platform

An app written in Flutter for FlexiCharge by third year students from Jönköping University (2021 and 2022)

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Follow instructions on:, to set up your flutter environment.

Make sure flutter is installed on you system. Check for errors by running flutter doctor in a terminal. If Flutter is not installed, follow your respective operating system install guide on the Flutter website.

Download the project by either cloning it or by downloading the zip-file. After extracting the project, open it up with Visual Studio Code.

VS Code

Make sure that the extension Flutter is installed and enabled.

If you get prompted that some packages are missing, press download. Else, go to pubspec.yaml and and download the packages from there, or download from the terminal by entering flutter pub get

Follow the instructions in the documentation file on how to start the app in iOS and android simulators.

The app can now be started with either the command flutter run or by going to main.dart. If you have a connected supported Android or IOS device, or an emulator up and running, the app should launch fine. :)


Developed with Flutter version

  • 3.3.1

Developed with Dart version

  • 2.18.0

Supports Android versions

  • minSdkVersion 26
  • targetSdkVersion 32

Targets iOS version

  • 15.0


The official documentation files are placed in the documentation folder. The primary documentation is kept in this PDF document. In the documentation folder there is also a .docx-version of the documentation which can be used to continue the documentation.


Follow the convention and coding style explained under the chapter Architecture in the documentation PDF.