My third web project from @42School. Made with love with my coworkers. For full description please read subject.pdf
Synopsis: a true 21 century website application for online movie streaming previsouly download server side by the bitTorrent protocol. Result -> 125/100
####Skills DB & Data | Group & interpersonal | Web | Framework MVC | Omniauth Background jobs | Internationalisation ####Keywords 42, project, web, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, MEAN Stack, MONGODB, EXPRESS, ANGULAR (1), NODEJS, framework, micro-framework, docker, docker-compose, protocol bitTorrent, sockets, data storing, data sorting, data managing, RESTful API, video streaming, movies, IMDB, YTS, MVDB...
The first thing you have to do is replacing all the XXX.XXX in all files by your server IP or website name. Then to use the omniauth, put your own api keys for each in back/Omniauth/authKeys.js. Upoload everything on your server and let the magic of docker built it for you : docker-compose up --build
WARNING: This wesite has no commercial or public wish. This was and still is a private project for developping purpose. Any use of it will be in your responsability. DO NOT put it online.