Anomalous sound detection (ASD) is the task of identifying whether the sound emitted from a target machine is normal or anomalous. The automatic detection of mechanical failures can bring numerous benefits for industry 4.0 and for factory automation using artificial intelligence[1].
The challenge (dcase 2020 task 2) is to detect unknown anomalies sounds under the condition that only normal sound samples have were provided as training data. For this task, a baseline system implementation was provided for comparison purposes [1].
About the machine learning model to detect anomalies, two methods involving autoencoder were used: Deep Autoencoder and Convolutional Autoencoder. About the audio features,the log energies derived directly from the filter bank energies (called MFECs) were used.
The competition rules are here.
- Technical Report - Technical report submitted to Dcase 2020 challenge Task 2 describing the proposed system
- Libraries
- Dense Autoencoder
- Convolutional Autoencoder
- Results
- References
- Exploratory data analysis notebook
- Keras
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- librosa
- tensorflow
- tqdm
Clone this repository from Github.
- Development dataset
- Download
- Download
- "Additional training dataset", i.e. the evaluation dataset for training
- Download
from .
- Download
- "Evaluation dataset", i.e. the evaluation for test
- Download
from .
- Download
A simple Dense AE was proposed. The network architecture is shown in the following figure.
- Dense AE - Folder containing the implementation.
The Dense AE system consists of two main scripts:
- This script trains models for each Machine Type in the development dataset and tests the models creating csv files for each Machine ID including the anomaly scores for each test wav file, it also makes the csv files including the AUC and pAUC for each Machine ID
- This script loads models for each Machine Type and tests the models in the evaluation dataset creating csv files for each Machine ID including the anomaly scores for each test wav file.
Make the directory structure as follows:
- ./dcase2020
- /
- /
- /dev_data
- /ToyCar
- /train (Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /normal_id_01_00000000.wav
- ...
- /normal_id_04_00000999.wav
- /test (Normal and anomaly data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /normal_id_01_00000000.wav
- ...
- /anomaly_id_04_00000264.wav
- /train (Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /ToyConveyor (The other Machine Types have the same directory structure as ToyCar.)
- /fan
- /pump
- /slider
- /valve
- /ToyCar
- /eval_data
- /ToyCar
- /train ( "additional training dataset". Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /normal_id_05_00000000.wav
- ...
- /normal_id_07_00000999.wav
- /test ("evaluation dataset". Normal and anomaly data for all Machine IDs are included, but there is no label about normal or anomaly.)
- /id_05_00000000.wav
- ...
- /id_07_00000514.wav
- /train ( "additional training dataset". Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /ToyConveyor (The other machine types have the same directory structure as ToyCar.)
- /fan
- /pump
- /slider
- /valve
- /ToyCar
Run the training script
$ python
trains the models and saves the trained models.
Run the test script
$ python
calculates the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directory dev_data/<Machine_Type>/test/.
The csv files for each Machine ID including the anomaly scores will be stored.
A simple Convolutional AE was proposed. The network architecture is shown in the following figure.
- Convolutional AE - Folder containing the implementation.
The Convolutional AE system consists of three main scripts:
- This script generates and saves the features for each Machine Type by using the directory dev_data/<Machine_Type>/train/ or eval_data/<Machine_Type>/train/.
- This script trains models for each Machine Type by using the features extracted with the previous script.
- This script makes csv files for each Machine ID including the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directory dev_data/<Machine_Type>/test/ or eval_data/<Machine_Type>/test/.
- The csv files will be stored in the directory result/.
- If the mode is "development", it also makes the csv files including the AUC and pAUC for each Machine ID.
Make the directory structure as follows:
- ./dcase2020
- /ConvAE
- /
- /
- /
- /
- /config.yaml
- /dev_data
- /ToyCar
- /train (Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /normal_id_01_00000000.wav
- ...
- /normal_id_04_00000999.wav
- /test (Normal and anomaly data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /normal_id_01_00000000.wav
- ...
- /anomaly_id_04_00000264.wav
- /train (Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /ToyConveyor (The other Machine Types have the same directory structure as ToyCar.)
- /fan
- /pump
- /slider
- /valve
- /ToyCar
- /eval_data
- /ToyCar
- /train ( "additional training dataset". Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /normal_id_05_00000000.wav
- ...
- /normal_id_07_00000999.wav
- /test ("evaluation dataset". Normal and anomaly data for all Machine IDs are included, but there is no label about normal or anomaly.)
- /id_05_00000000.wav
- ...
- /id_07_00000514.wav
- /train ( "additional training dataset". Only normal data for all Machine IDs are included.)
- /ToyConveyor (The other machine types have the same directory structure as ToyCar.)
- /fan
- /pump
- /slider
- /valve
- /ToyCar
- /ConvAE
You can change the parameters for feature extraction and model definition by editing config.yaml
Run the training script
Use the option -d
for the development dataset or -e
for the evaluation dataset.
Use the option --target
to select only one machine type (optional).
$ python -d --target "ToyCar"
Run the training script
Use the option -d
for the development dataset or -e
for the evaluation dataset.
Use the option --target
to select only one machine type (optional).
$ python -d --target "ToyCar"
trains the models and saves the trained models in the directory model/.
Run the test script
Use the option -d
for the development dataset or -e
for the evaluation dataset.
Use the option --target
to select only one machine type (optional).
$ python -d --target "ToyCar"
The options for
are the same as those for
calculates the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directory dev_data/<Machine_Type>/test/.
The csv files for each Machine ID including the anomaly scores will be stored in the directory result/.
If the mode is "development", the script also makes the csv files including the AUCs and pAUCs for each Machine ID.
The table below shows the performance results of DCASE 2020 Task 2 for the development dataset in which the best (mean) results are in bold. Best mean for each machine type:
- ToyCar: Dense AE with 80.79% AUC and 71.17% pAUC
- ToyConveyor: Dense AE with 76.43% AUC and 63.79% pAUC
- fan: Dense AR with 72.03% AUC and 53.25% pAUC
- pump: Dense AE with 73.06% AUC and Conv AE with 60.96% pAUC
- slider: Conv AE with 91.77% AUC and 76.20% pAUC
- valve: Conv AE with 78.83% AUC and 53.10% pAUC
[1] Koizumi, Y., Kawaguchi, Y., Imoto, K., Nakamura, T., Nikaido, Y., Tanabe, R., ... & Harada, N. (2020). Description and Discussion on DCASE2020 Challenge Task2: Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05822.