This is the repository hosting the website for Unit-Notes, a student created textbook/notes for the IB Curriculum. You can find the website here.
This website is still under development, and will be merge back into the Unit-Notes repository when done. You can edit the website by going to here.
Web-Notes is based on the Docsy Jekyll theme, and deployed on Github Pages.
You can clone the repository right to where you want to host the docs:
git clone
Ruby is required for jekyll.
Jekyll is also required for compiling the site locally.
is recommended for managing the dependencies.
gem install bundle
bundle install # run inside the repository
You can install gem with your operating system's package manager.
Github Pages uses ruby version 2.7
In order avoid compatibility issues, this project uses ruby version 2.7.2
Use a ruby version manager to install 2.7.2
if you do not have it rvm.
You can compile the site locally by running jekyll serve
It is recommended to use bundle
in addition to jekyll.
bundle exec jekyll serve
You can then open your browser to http://localhost:4000/web-notes to see site locally.
- modify heading/subtitles
- add highlight syntax
- Organization
- table of content front page (liquid/javascipt?)
- Subjects
- Physics
- Unit 1 Uncertainties
- CS
- Unit 2 Logic Gates TODOs
- Math
- Business Management
- Unit 2 Ethics
- Unit 2 Structrue
- Physics