Every program needs a README.md
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Alfrey Chan
If you need a cheatsheet to beat the game, look at the map.pdf! You start at the bottom left, and the endpoint is the top right corner! The X marks a special spawn!
Elements | Module Name | Line Number | Function Name |
5x5 Board | board.board.py | 233 | set_descriptions |
Gameplay Ends | game.py | 47-49 | game |
Player Movement | board.board.py | 43/85/143 | move_character/validate_move/get_user_choice |
Challenges | combat.combat.py | 8/23/40/53/78/101 | chance_game/fight_or_flee/battle/is_jesus/attack/flee |
Dict Comprehension | board.board.py | 230 | is_jesus/randomized_descriptions |
if-statement | combat.combat.py | 65 | is_jesus |
for/while loop | combat.combat.py | 29 | fight_or_flee |
membership operator | board.board.py | 158 | get_user_choice |
range | combat.combat.py | 103-105 | flee |
itertools function | game.py | 15 | game |
random module | board.board.py | 229 | randomized_descriptions |
f-string | board.board.py | 160 | get_user_choice |