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[OGUI 1566] Adapt layout view page tests (#2650)
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* Setup integration tests for the layout view by migrating them to the test runner framework.
* Merged changes from dev to use mocked QCG service responses with nock, simulating CCDB responses for integration tests.
  • Loading branch information
mariscalromeroalejandro authored Nov 12, 2024
1 parent e468a27 commit 0028b17
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Showing 4 changed files with 256 additions and 166 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions QualityControl/test/public/pages/layout-show.test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
* @license
* Copyright CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2. This software is
* distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL
* Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
* See for full licensing information.
* In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

import { strictEqual, ok, deepStrictEqual } from 'node:assert';
import { delay } from '../../testUtils/delay.js';

* Performs a series of automated tests on the layoutShow page using Puppeteer.
* @param {string} url - URL needed to open page for testing
* @param {object} page - Puppeteer page object
* @param {number} timeout - Timeout PER test; default 100
* @param {object} testParent - Node.js test object which ensures sub-tests are being awaited
export const layoutShowTests = async (url, page, timeout = 5000, testParent) => {
const LAYOUT_ID = '671b95883d23cd0d67bdc787';
await testParent.test(
'should load the layoutShow page',
{ timeout },
async () => {
await page.goto(`${url}?page=layoutShow&layoutId=${LAYOUT_ID}`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' });
const location = await page.evaluate(() => window.location);
strictEqual(, `?page=layoutShow&layoutId=${LAYOUT_ID}&tab=main`);

await testParent.test(
'should have tabs in the header',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const tabsPath = 'header .btn-tab';
const tabsCount = await page.evaluate((tabsPath) => document.querySelectorAll(tabsPath).length, tabsPath);
strictEqual(tabsCount, 2);

await testParent.test(
'should have selected layout in the sidebar highlighted',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const layoutClassList = await page.evaluate(() => document
.querySelector('nav > div:nth-child(5) > a:nth-child(1)').classList);
deepStrictEqual(layoutClassList, { 0: 'menu-item', 1: 'w-wrapped', 2: 'selected' });

await testParent.test(
'should have jsroot svg plots in the section',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const plotsCount = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelectorAll('section svg.jsroot').length);
ok(plotsCount > 1);

await testParent
.test('should have an info button with full path and last modified when clicked (plot success)', async () => {
const commonSelectorPath = 'section > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div';
const plot1Path = `${commonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(1)`;
await page.locator(plot1Path).click();

const result = await page.evaluate((commonSelectorPath) => {
const { title } = document.querySelector(`${commonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > button`);
const infoCommonSelectorPath = `${commonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > div`;
const objectPath = document.querySelector(`${infoCommonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > div > div`).innerText;
const pathTitle = document.querySelector(`${infoCommonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > b`).innerText;
const lastModifiedTitle = document.querySelector(`${infoCommonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(6) > b`).innerText;
return { title, pathTitle, objectPath, lastModifiedTitle };
}, commonSelectorPath);
strictEqual(result.title, 'View details about histogram');
strictEqual(result.pathTitle, 'path');
strictEqual(result.objectPath, 'qc/test/object/1');
strictEqual(result.lastModifiedTitle, 'lastModified');

await testParent.test(
'should have an info button with full path and last modified when clicked on a second plot(plot success)',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const commonSelectorPath = 'section > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div';
const plot2Path = `${commonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(1)`;
await page.locator(plot2Path).click();
const result = await page.evaluate((commonSelectorPath) => {
const { title } = document.querySelector(`${commonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > button`);
const infoCommonSelectorPath = `${commonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > div`;
const objectPath = document.querySelector(`${infoCommonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > div > div`).innerText;
const pathTitle = document.querySelector(`${infoCommonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(2) > b`).innerText;
const lastModifiedTitle = document.querySelector(`${infoCommonSelectorPath} > div:nth-child(6) > b`).innerText;
return { title, pathTitle, objectPath, lastModifiedTitle };
}, commonSelectorPath);
strictEqual(result.title, 'View details about histogram');
strictEqual(result.pathTitle, 'path');
strictEqual(result.objectPath, 'qc/test/object/1');
strictEqual(result.lastModifiedTitle, 'lastModified');

await testParent.test(
'should have second tab to be empty (according to demo data)',
{ timeout },
async () => {
await page.locator('header > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > button:nth-child(2)').click();
const plotPath = 'section svg.jsroot';
await delay(1000);
const plotsCount = await page.evaluate((plotPath) => document.querySelectorAll(plotPath).length, plotPath);
strictEqual(plotsCount, 0);

await testParent.test(
'should have a button group containing four buttons in the header',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const count = await page.evaluate(() => {
const container = document.querySelector('.btn-group');
return container ? container.children.length : 0;
strictEqual(count, 4);

await testParent.test(
'should have one duplicate button in the header to create a new duplicated layout',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const buttonPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > button:nth-child(1)';
const duplicateButton = await page.evaluate((buttonPath) => document.querySelector(buttonPath).title, buttonPath);
strictEqual(duplicateButton, 'Duplicate layout');

await testParent.test(
'should have one delete button in the header to delete layout',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const buttonPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > button:nth-child(4)';
const deleteButton = await page.evaluate((buttonPath) => document.querySelector(buttonPath).title, buttonPath);
strictEqual(deleteButton, 'Delete layout');

await testParent.test(
'should have one link button in the header to download layout skeleton',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const buttonPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > a';
const editButton = await page.evaluate((buttonPath) => document.querySelector(buttonPath).title, buttonPath);
strictEqual(editButton, 'Export layout skeleton as JSON file');

await testParent.test(
'should have one edit button in the header to go in edit mode',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const buttonPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > button:nth-child(3)';
const editButton = await page.evaluate((buttonPath) => document.querySelector(buttonPath).title, buttonPath);
strictEqual(editButton, 'Edit layout');

await testParent.test(
'should click the edit button in the header and enter edit mode',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const editButtonPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > button:nth-child(3)';
await page.locator(editButtonPath).click();

await testParent.test(
'should have input field for changing layout name in edit mode',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const inputPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > input';
await page.evaluate((inputPath) => document.querySelector(inputPath), inputPath);

await testParent.test(
'should have number input field for allowing users to change auto-tab value',
{ timeout },
async () => {
await page.waitForSelector('#inputDescription', { timeout: 5000 });

await testParent.test(
'should have a tree sidebar in edit mode',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const secondElementPath = 'nav table tbody tr:nth-child(2)';
await page.locator(secondElementPath).click();
const rowsCount = await page.evaluate((secondElementPath) =>
document.querySelectorAll(secondElementPath).length, secondElementPath);
strictEqual(rowsCount, 1);

await testParent.test(
'should have filtered results on input search filled',
{ timeout },
async (t) => {
t.skip('Skip test execution for now');
// TODO: review
//await page.type('nav > div > div > div:nth-child(6) > input', '1');
//await page.waitForFunction('document.querySelectorAll(\'nav table tbody tr\').length === 1', { timeout: 5000 });

await testParent.test(
'should show normal sidebar after Cancel click',
{ timeout },
async () => {
const cancelButtonPath = 'header > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > button:nth-child(2)';
await page.locator(cancelButtonPath).click();
await page.waitForSelector('nav .menu-title', { timeout: 5000 });
162 changes: 0 additions & 162 deletions QualityControl/test/public/pages/layout-view.test.js

This file was deleted.


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