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Using the Executable

The command line arguments are as follows:

    PathToExecutableDir/VarianceComponentsHDFEExecutable/bin/VarianceComponentsHDFE PathToCSVDataFile/data.csv --id=1 --firmid=2 --y=4 --algorithm=JLA --simulations=1000 --write_CSV --output_path=PathToCSVOutput/output.csv
  • The first argument is required and it is the path the the CSV file containing the data. The options --id, --firmid, --y indicate which columns of the CSV file contain the data for the worker IDs, firm IDs, and wages. --algorithm can be set to Exact or JLA and --simulations is the number of simulations in the JLA algorithm. --write_CSV is a flag that indicates the output will be written to a CSV file at --output_path. Additionally, you can run PathToExecutableDir/VarianceComponentsHDFEExecutable/bin/VarianceComponentsHDFE --help to see the arguments, options, and flags and their descriptions, and if applicable, default values.