This repository contains the latest source code of Post office Android Application. It is mainly developed using Android Studio, Kotlin and Gradle . Please follow the instructions below to build and deploy on your device.
- Android Studio (Version:3.0.1 or higher)
- Android SDK, Download
- Gradle, Download and make sure it is in your executable PATH.
- Kotlin, Kotlin Programming Language
- Java 8, Download and make sure you have set JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to JDK.
The application can be built either by using build menu Build -> Build APK(s) in Android Studio or from a terminal using gradle as gradle assembleDebug for a debug version or gradle assembleRelease for a release version of this application. The resultant APK can be found in app/build/outputs/apk/debug for a debug built and app/build/outputs/apk/release for release built accordingly.
If you have any problem in compiling the code for debug version, comment out signingConfigs sections in the app gradle file temporarily and then try to compile.
Semantic versioning is being used for giving version to the release and hotfix branches. Each version contains three version numbers − Major.Minor.Patch.
- Here’s what each of them means:
- Major − code is incompatible or contains significant changes
- Minor − code has been changed but the changes are backwards compatible
- Patch − bug fixes have been made
There are two interfaces exposed for the WebView.
1- getBluetoothPairedDevices() returns string[ { "address": "34:80:F4:4D:3B:56", "name": "ZEBRA ZQ220" } ]
2- getBluetoothPairedDevicesAsync() returns JSPromise
The output is similar to getBluetoothPairedDevices() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var pairedDevices = window.androidInjectSetting.getBluetoothPairedDevicesAsync(); pairedDevices.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return pairedDevices.thenJS(name); } pairedDevices.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
3- getBluetoothNearbyDevices() returns string
[ { "address": "34:80:F4:4D:2D:56", "name": "STAR L200-03033" }, { "address": "34:80:F4:4D:3B:56", "name": "STAR L300-02044" } ]
4- getBluetoothNearbyDevicesAsync() returns JSPromise
The output is similar to getBluetoothNearbyDevices() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var neabyDevices = window.androidInjectSetting.getBluetoothNearbyDevicesAsync(); neabyDevices.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return neabyDevices.thenJS(name); } neabyDevices.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
5- turnOffBluetooth(address: String)
6- unpairBluetoothDevice(address: String)
7- unpairBluetoothDevice
8- printWithBluetoothPrinter(address: String, base64Image: String)
9- printWithBluetoothPrinter(base64Image: String)
10- isBluetoothPrinterConnected() returns Boolean
11- isBluetoothPrinterConnectedAsync() returns JSPromise
The output is similar to isBluetoothPrinterConnected() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var isPrinterConnected = window.androidInjectSetting.isBluetoothPrinterConnectedAsync(); isPrinterConnected.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return isPrinterConnected.thenJS(name); } isPrinterConnected.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
12- getWifiNetworks() returns String
[ { "capabilities": "[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]", "ssid": "Connectify-GP", "isConnected": true }, { "capabilities": "[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]", "ssid": "GeeksGuest", "isConnected": false } ]
13- getWifiNetworksAsync() returns JSPromise
The output is similar to getWifiNetworks() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var wifiNetworks = window.androidInjectSetting.getWifiNetworksAsync(); wifiNetworks.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return wifiNetworks.thenJS(name); } wifiNetworks.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
14- turnOffWifi()
15- disconnectWifi()
16- connectToWifi(networkSSID: String, networkPassKey: String) returns *Boolean
17- connectToWifiAsync(networkSSID: String, networkPassKey: String) returns *JSPromise
The output is similar to connectToWifi() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var connectToWifi = window.androidInjectSetting.connectToWifiAsync(); connectToWifi.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return connectToWifi.thenJS(name); } connectToWifi.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
18- isWifiEnabled() returns Boolean
19- isWifiEnabledAsync() returns JSPromise
The output is similar to connectToWifi() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var isWifiEnabled = window.androidInjectSetting.isWifiEnabledAsync(); isWifiEnabled.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return isWifiEnabled.thenJS(name); } isWifiEnabled.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
20- isWifiConnected() returns Boolean
21- isWifiConnectedAsync() returns JSPromise
The output is similar to connectToWifi() and this is how you can use it in javascript.var isWifiConnected = window.androidInjectSetting.isWifiConnectedAsync(); isWifiConnected.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return isWifiConnected.thenJS(name); } isWifiConnected.then(function(a){ console.log("CALLBACK in JAVASCRIPT "+JSON.stringify(a)); });
22- getBrightness() returns Int
Brightness value is from 0 to 100
23- setBrightness(brightness: Int)
Brightness value is from 0 to 100
24- getSystemVolume() returns Int
Volume value is between 1 to 15
25- setSystemVolume(volume: Int)
Volume value is between 1 to 15
26- getBatteryPercentage() returns Int
Battery value is between 0 to 100
27- getBatteryPercentageWithChargingState() returns JSPromise
Battery value is between 0 to 100var result = window.androidInjectSetting.getBatteryPercentageWithChargingState(); result.then = function(callback){ var name = "callback_"+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000)); window[name] = callback return result.thenJS(name); } result.then(function(a){ var json = JSON.parse(a) console.log("Battery: " + json.percentage +"% and is Charging " + json.isCharging ); });
28- getDeviceSerialNumber() String
1- showToast(message:String)
2- getCertificate() returns String?
returns a base64 version of certificate
3- getKey() returns String?
returns a base64 version of the key
4- printIt(base64:String)
print a base64 PNG image with the device thermal printer
5- startApp(name:String)
This function facilitate to trigger other application such as android system settings , xaioutility and production test.
Accepted values are android_settings,, xac_xaioutility, com.xac.util.saioutility, xac_productiontest, com.xac.productiontest
Here is a generic sequence diagram:
The high view of classes and how they are structured.
The services class diagram in more details.
- Fix the issue that pushes the printed label out of printable area
- 122613: Fix multiple returns CoPs not printed
- Disable always on screen functionality