Project Overview This project focuses on the analysis of Mars-related data using Python. It includes scraping Mars news, analyzing Mars weather data, and calculating various metrics like temperature trends and atmospheric pressure on Mars.
part_1_mars_news.ipynb: This Jupyter Notebook is responsible for scraping the latest Mars news articles. The data extracted includes article titles and previews, which are then used for further analysis.
part_2_mars_weather.ipynb: This Jupyter Notebook focuses on the analysis of Mars weather data. It processes the data stored in the mars_temperature_data.csv file and includes visualizations like temperature trends and atmospheric pressure over time.
Resources/mars_temperature_data.csv: This CSV file contains temperature and pressure data recorded on Mars. It is used in the part_2_mars_weather.ipynb notebook to perform the analysis.
Installation and Setup
Prerequisites: To run this project, you'll need to have the following installed on your local machine:
Python 3.x Jupyter Notebook Git Necessary Python libraries: pandas, matplotlib, splinter, bs4
Clone this repository to your local machine: git clone
Navigate to the project directory and Open part_1_mars_news.ipynb and part_2_mars_weather.ipynb in your browser to execute the code.
- Run part_1_mars_news.ipynb to scrape the latest Mars news articles from a specified website.
- Run part_2_mars_weather.ipynb to analyze Mars weather data, including temperature trends and atmospheric pressure. This notebook also estimates the length of a Martian year in Earth days.