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## Packaging - Requires leapp-framework >= 2.2 - Bump leapp-framework-dependencies to 5 ## Upgrade handling ### Fixes - Fallback to /etc/leapp/repos.d if missing config option instead of using cwd (oamg#849) - Filter out unrelated PES data for the particular IPU path (oamg#789) - Fix bug with existing symlink when migrating YUM configuration files (oamg#811) - Fix creating invalid answerfile in "authselectcheck" actor (oamg#748) - Fix generating of instructions/data for the leapp DNF plugin during the IPU (oamg#754) - Fix generating the target initramfs when additional files and dracut modules are requested to be added (oamg#838) - Fix getting device attribute through udev on Python 3 (oamg#758) - Fix parsing of sysctl output (oamg#793) - Fix processing of merge events from PES data (oamg#768, oamg#825) - Fix random crashes when printing DNF output (oamg#745) - Fix scanning "/etc/default/grub" with empty line (oamg#845) - Fix scanning information about mounted devices (oamg#711) - Fix severities in the "targetuserspacecreator" actor (oamg#751) - Fix the "rerun" command after adding the "--channel" option (oamg#750) - Fix the execution order for the dnf dry run actor (oamg#801) - Skip checking the flavor and target_version upon leapp --resume (oamg#781) - Use more accurate tense in the SELinux messaging (oamg#614) ### Enhancements - Introduce IPU for RHEL 8 to RHEL 9 \o/ - New upgrade paths for RHEL with SAP HANA (oamg#834) - Changed upgrade paths: -- RHEL 7.9 -> [8.4, 8.6] (default: 8.6) -- RHEL 8.6 -> 9.0 -- RHEL with SAP 7.9 -> [8.2, 8.6] (default: 8.2) -- RHEL with SAP 8.6 -> 9.0 - Add 8.6, 9.0 Beta & GA product certificates (oamg#776, oamg#794) - Add detection of enabled YUM & DNF plugins (oamg#703) - Bind the /run/lock dir into the container in the upgrade initramfs env (oamg#831) - Enable RHEL 8 to RHEL 9 upgrades on RHUI for AWS (oamg#828) - Enhance handling selinux related stuff for 8 to 9 upgrade (oamg#749) - Generalize checking of device drivers (oamg#835) - Improve the performance of the leapp execution for "pre first reboot" phases (oamg#741) - Introduce DNFWorkarounds to register scripts to be executed before DNF run (oamg#841) - Introduce DNF modularity support (oamg#672, oamg#799) - Introduce the --report-schema option to control the version of the generated report format (oamg#696) - Introduce the --target option to specify the version of the target system (oamg#780) - Provide the LEAPP_IPU_IN_PROGRESS envar during the IPU (oamg#830) - [IPU 7 -> 8]: Add CUPS actors - cupsscanner, cupscheck, cupsmigrate (oamg#181) - [IPU 7 -> 8]: Convert restrictions with IPv6 mask in "migratentp" actor (oamg#756) - [IPU 7 -> 8]: Handle upgrading Satellite instances (oamg#733) - [IPU 7 -> 8]: Warn about docker deprecation when installed - [IPU 7 -> 8]: Zipl: Inhibit if boot entries share the same kernel image (oamg#816) - [IPU 7 -> 8]: bind configuration check (oamg#521) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add actor that ensures ifcfg files work in el9 (oamg#839) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add actor that scans for deprecated network settings (oamg#842) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add inhibitor FirewalldCheckServiceTftpClient (oamg#792) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add inihibtor FirewalldCheckAllowZoneDrifting (oamg#777) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add kpatch actor to handle live kernel patching during IPU (oamg#837) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add mariadbcheck actor to link upgrade documentation (oamg#836) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add postgresqlcheck actor to link upgrade documentation (oamg#802) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Add scan & checks for VDO devices (oamg#821) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Apply a new way of disabling SELinux (oamg#769) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Check SSSD configuration for changes in RHEL9 and report them (oamg#732) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Check the existence of the custom network-scripts (oamg#729) - [IPU 8 -> 9]: Provide upgrade inhibitor for ipa-server (oamg#765) ## Additional changes interesting for devels - Move target release and flavor specification to a separate lib (oamg#753) - Refactor "transactionworkarounds" actor and fix tests (oamg#759) - Several actors moved to the system_upgrade/common repository (oamg#800, oamg#803, oamg#805, oamg#833) Signed-off-by: Michal Reznik <>
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