DiscordChatExporterPy-but-Discord.Client is a fork of mahtoid's chat exporter (https://github.com/mahtoid/DiscordChatExporterPy). This is intended to work with discord.Client() rather than commands.Bot().
The following instructions are for mahtoid's repo, but it'll work for this too. (Don't forget to change the repo link to this repo.)
To install the library to your bot, run the command:
pip install chat-exporter
To install the repository, run the command:
git clone https://github.com/mahtoid/DiscordChatExporterPy
Basic Usage
import discord
import chat_exporter
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)
async def on_ready():
print("Live: " + bot.user.name)
async def save(ctx):
await chat_exporter.quick_export(ctx)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Optional: If you want the transcript to display Members (Role) Colours then enable the Members Intent.
Customisable Usage
import io
async def save(ctx, limit: int, tz_info):
transcript = await chat_exporter.export(ctx.channel, limit, tz_info)
if transcript is None:
transcript_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(transcript.encode()),
await ctx.send(file=transcript_file)
Optional: limit and tz_info are both optional, but can be used to limit the amount of messages transcribed or set a 'local' (pytz) timezone for the bot to transcribe message times to.
Raw Usage
import io
async def purge(ctx, tz_info):
deleted_messages = await ctx.channel.purge()
transcript = await chat_exporter.raw_export(ctx.channel, deleted_messages, tz_info)
if transcript is None:
transcript_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(transcript.encode()),
await ctx.send(file=transcript_file)
Optional: tz_info is optional, but can be used to set a 'local' (pytz) timezone for the bot to transcribe message times to.
This project borrows CSS and HTML code from Tyrrrz's C# DiscordChatExporter repository.